February 17, 2024 | San Francisco, CA | Year of the Dragon

Hi !! For 10, $5.00 to [LLmike007] on venmo, please and thank you!

I would like 30 post cards :hugs: i would also like to pay in person, if that is okay.
Thanks for the message!


I would like 10 cards please and will pay by Venmo. See you soon.


Iā€™ll take 10! Iā€™ll venmo you shortly :slight_smile:


Hi @llmike007! Unfortunately I canā€™t make this one :smiling_face_with_tear: Itā€™s a busy month
But we can still meet in Montclair and UCLA!

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Hi @llmike007 , I would still love to go to the meet up, but would it be possible to buy less than 10 (Iā€™m thinking 6?) postcards? Iā€™m relatively new to postcrossing, so I donā€™t want to overwhelm myself with too many cards! But I completely understand if you only take orders in 10s.

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Hi @sanyuu! Thanks for reaching out.
What Iā€™ve found with previous meetups is that, sticking with multiples of 10 makes the math easier since we usually order cards in multiples of 100.
If itā€™s okay with you, I will put you down for 10 and you can pay for however many you end up deciding on when you show up. Would that work?

Thanks for your understanding! :smiley: :pray:


Yes, that sounds awesome. Thank you!


I canā€™t make it but those cards look awesome and would love to buy some to send to friends! Is it possible to buy some and pay for shipping? I live in the bay as well.

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Hi @NihaoDragon thanks for reaching out!

We generally like to give folks who attend first crack at the cards. Since we included multiple event card designs in the same print run this time around, I am not sure if we will have any surpluses or how many we would have left over. Feel free to shoot me a PM after the 17th and I can give you a better idea of our situation. :smiley:
Thanks for your understanding!

@llmike007 Dangā€¦ such a nice postcard too with the lunar year theme. Oh wellā€¦ have fun yall!

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@llmike007 and yes, if I remember too I will send you a PM just to see if any were leftover hehe

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@NihaoDragon Thank you for your understanding! Hope you can make it to a future Bay Area meetup!

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See you all soon! 10 postcards for me please and thank you :love_letter:


Hi @cheeneebobeanie thank you!! Got you down for 10. See you on the 17th!

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Hi. Iā€™d like 20 cards please, if it is not too late to order. Will Venmo you. Thanks!

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Hi Iā€™m from NJ and would like to swap the meetup card with someone please - pm me and we can figure a swapšŸ˜


Hi @CandaceGA youā€™re not too late at all! I will put you down for 20 and add you to our list :slight_smile: thank you!!

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Officially 5 days out, excited! :calendar: Looking forward to seeing everyone!


The postcard for this meetup is so awesome. You guys have fun!