February 17, 2024 | San Francisco, CA | Year of the Dragon

:world_map: CITY/REGION: San Francisco, CA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: (Westfield) San Francisco Centre mall - Food Emporium
865 Market St, San Francisco 94103
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, February 17, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm PST
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Howdy, NorCal Folks!
What better way to kick off the Lunar New Year (Year of the Dragon) than with a good old-fashioned Postcrossing meetup? :slight_smile: My friend Tina @mailedwithlove and I will be cohosting this event to be held on Sat. 2/17. We know it’s President’s Day weekend and many of you may already have travel plans, but if your plans entail staying in town, feel free to swing on by!
In anticipation of a good turnout, we decided to err on the side of getting a larger venue, so we will be meeting at the (formerly Westfield) San Francisco Centre mall food court.
Our friend Oce @ohhsayy (of Santa Ana WPD meetup fame!) will be designing the card and it will be LNY/ dragon-related, of course. :smiley: :dragon:
Hope to have more information to share with you soon!
If you know you’re down to join us, feel free to comment in this thread and hit that blue RSVP button at the top… Much appreciated!
Take care of yourself and see you soon!! :heart_decoration:

*CARD COUNTS AS OF 2.17.24 12am:
(:dragon: paid via Venmo/ Zelle | :dollar: paying at event | :hibiscus: payment method TBD)

  1. @djcid - 20 :hibiscus:
  2. @luckycherry - 10 :dragon:
  3. @jessicaamk - 20 :dragon:
  4. @mailedwithlove - 10 :dragon:
  5. @postcardingwithsuz - 30 :dragon:
  6. @jcostacurta11 - 20 :dragon:
  7. @littlemermaidxx - 30 :dragon:
  8. @Postcardnstamps - 30 :dragon:
  9. @LA_Gemini23 - 30 :dragon:
  10. @asuayan - 10 :dragon:
  11. @kimakoi - 20 :dragon:
  12. @emoffdayz - 50 :dollar:
  13. @karenfinnegan2019 - 10 :dollar:
  14. @ohhsayy - 20 :dragon:
  15. @taquIza - 10 :dragon:
  16. @llmike007 - 20 :dragon:
  17. @quirk - 30 :dragon:
  18. @tonirose - 10 :dragon:
  19. @krystaltaka - 10 :dragon:
  20. @bwong - 10 :dragon:
  21. @cheeneebobeanie - 10 :hibiscus:
  22. @sanyuu - 10 :dollar:
  23. @CandaceGA - 20 :dragon:


If you take BART into The City, you can get dropped off quite literally at the mall directly from the Powell St. station. After taking the escalator from the subway level up to the ground level (which is actually still “basement” level, just bear with me), you will see a “Westfield” sign hanging from the ceiling. Once you exit through the turnstiles, make a left toward the red pillars.

This is the entrance to the mall. Go through the doors and when you meet the escalators inside the mall, make a left. You will see a few food options and some tables near the escalators – this is NOT the food court – you want to make a left, go down the long walkway to the Food Emporium.

Note that the food court is actually on the “Concourse” (basement) level – so if you emerge from BART you’re not going up a level. If you are coming from the actual “Ground” level (e.g. entering the mall via Market Street main entrance), you are on Level 1 and will need to descend one story to the Concourse.


I will try to make this!!

Wait nevermind haha, this is the same day as my meetup in aberdeen. Have fun!

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@Buzel Sorry for the schedule conflict! I did see it was the same day as well. Going forward we’ll try not to conflict with PNW events :wink: Thank you, hope you guys have a blast as well!

Yay, another meetup. Count me in please!


I would love to attend! Count me in too! :hugs:


@akap25 @lahabladora Awesome! I have you both down. Thank you!!
Hope to have more details for you soon. :wink:


Yay! I should be able to be there. Looking forward to it!


Tentatively yes, as long as my schedule works out!


I’d love to join too!


I’m interested!


@bree_wee Fantastic! The feeling is mutual, looking forward to seeing you!

@tianye4869 Hi! I know it’s a trek for you, but it would be awesome if you could make it! Thanks for letting me know!

@jcostacurta11 Wonderful! Looking forward to seeing you!

@CandaceGA Hi! Looking forward to meeting you!

Thank you everyone!!!

@ohhsayy is still working on the design but we hope to have that for you very soon!!

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I might come , after that going to work at 2pm so i looked at the time , i hope , i want to come ok i will letting you know if something comes up ok


I’ll be there! :slight_smile:


Coming from Alameda! I’ll take 30 cards if you are taking orders! Can Venmo ya! Thanks for having me.


I will be there! Thanks for organizing and looking forward to finally meeting you! I’ll take 30 cards as well if you are taking orders.


@emoffdayz Hi Emma, I look forward to seeing you! Hope the timeframe works out for you and you won’t be late for work :wink:

@krystaltaka Hi Krystal, looking forward to seeing you! Sounds great!

@LA_Gemini23 well hi Anya! Small world isn’t it? Haha. Thank YOU for coming out all the way from Alameda! (I know crossing the bay is routine for y’all but this desert rat (landlocked) is still mind blown by it all.)

@postcardingwithsuz and hi to you too Susan! Thank you! Looking forward to seeing you and Anya!

Thank you, Ladies!!

We will “officially” take orders once the design debuts (which will be very very soon) but I will make a mental note of those numbers! Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to it!


@littlemermaidxx Hi Kelsey! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile: the feeling is mutual!


Interested & looking forward to seeing the meetup card design!