February 17, 2024 | San Francisco, CA | Year of the Dragon

Hi there! I’m from AZ
I would love to swap for this meet up card. If anyone is interested, please pm me!
Thank you~ :dragon: :email:

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@NihaoDragon thank you! Could you please shoot me a PM?

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Hello, Team SF! :ocean:

We are quickly approaching the 48-hour mark which means it’s almost GO time! :green_circle:
If you haven’t already, please review the original post for venue details. I have included details on accessing the mall via BART, because BART is awesome! (thank you Tina for the suggestion!) :tram:

Please try to arrive on time if you can, so that we have enough time to sign (or at least try to sign) everyone’s cards!!

A couple ground rules I wanted to go over briefly:


You are more than welcome to bring your own cards, stickers, etc. to share with others on a “communal table” which we will designate when you get here. No obligation. If you do wish to bring something to raffle off, please let me know ahead of time if possible so that we can include it in other items that I will be raffling off (wink wink :wink: ).


We get it, things happen and we want to make sure you can be a part of our event as much as reasonably possible. No-Shows will have the option to purchase their allotment of cards, plus shipping via USPS Ground, via Venmo/ Zelle. Please note that cards for no-shows will NOT be circulated for signing. If this is a concern for you, please reach out to a friend who will also be attending and can take custody of your cards on your behalf. (If you don’t have a friend who is attending, this is a perfect opportunity to make a friend! Meetups are about getting to know one another, not just signing 500+ cards… hehe :wink: )


In this food court, there’s lot of great food options including ramen, subs, pizza, and Brazilian churrascaria – just to name a few! Please feel free to stick around, eat, and socialize with fellow members following the meetup. :ramen: :hamburger: :burrito:

FLASHING… LIGHTS (Photography Disclosure) :camera_flash:

I love to take photos and videos of meetup events I’m a part of, and I’m sure you do too!
As the host of this event, I am obliged to let you know to please expect photos and/or videos of you to be taken. Your participation in this meetup implies consent to have photos and videos of you taken. If you have any concerns or would like to opt out, please feel free to reach out to me via PM or during the event.

Thank you for making it this far!

Have a safe drive/ trip to The City and we will see you on Saturday!!! :dragon:


Sure man no problem.


I hope it all went well for you guys in the Bay!!!


@llmike007 and @mailedwithlove thank you so much for co-hosting and putting on such a great event! :pray:t5::sparkles: Had such a great time - I’m glad I finally got to attend a meetup in the bay and glad I got to meet so many cool folks! :raised_hands:t5: Looking forward to future events!


Thank you for creating an amazing postcard :bowing_woman: and coming to join in on the fun!


If anyone would like to do a trade for the other half of the dragon face, from the 2/10 Montclair meetup, please dm me. Thank you!:dragon_face:

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