Expired Postcards

Three of them are inactive.
But that is the game :slight_smile:
Still high hopes.


Last week,two of my expired cards have been registered.
So just wait patiently!


If CN, NL, UK are actively registering other cards, Iā€™d say those are lost. If it were me, Iā€™d re-send. The oldest Russian one Iā€™d let expire after more than six months, the newer ones may need more time.

Here are mine:

Canadian sent three cards months ago, never logged in after mailing those. Three of us got their address when those arrived it seems. The Ukranian person logs on often, but hasnā€™t registered in a month, though did so regularly until then.

I always send a second card, when the member is active. My expired list is reduced again, because some of the second cards arrived :slight_smile:
The members were so happy, that I tried again with a second card :slight_smile:


do you write to them before sending a second card?
I rarely send a second card, but sometimes I do when itā€™s in Europe and if the person logs on and saves postcards regularly.
I always ask, because I figure some people donā€™t save postcards they donā€™t like.
( translated from French into English by Deepl)

rules are you must register all postcards, so if you think someone doesnā€™t you could write to support


I was on trip to Prague in Czechia in November for few days. I sent 7 postcards (6 private: 5 to Poland and 1 to Taiwan, and one official postcrossing to USA) on 11 November. All postcards were already registered expect one to USA (Texas). I asked guy few days ago if maybe he forgot to register but he said he hasnā€™t received it. Iā€™m worried because it was my only one sent in travel mode, so later it canā€™t show I sent one because itā€™s not registered. Itā€™s difficult to send once again because I live far from Czechia. What should I do then?

Itā€™s okay to let the card expire

If you really want to have it registered, perhaps you could send another card (with the Czechia ID) from Poland.
You could include a note saying that this is the second card, the first was sent in travel mode from Czechia


@tomlie91 What @Seracker says is my strategy too. Itā€™s my backup plan so I donā€™t have to worry too much if Iā€™m in a foreign country where I donā€™t know if the mail services are reliable.

I know receiving a card from a country thatā€™s different than what the ID says is not ideal, but this plan is really just for the worst case scenario, and I would hope that people are understanding if you explain the circumstances on the card. Since the member you sent the card to even responded to you and thus is active Iā€™d say maybe wait until 100 days if you have the patience, and then go for it :slight_smile:

As a tip for the future I can recommend to always send at least 2 official cards when you are in travel mode and really want the location on your map. The chance that both will expire is way smaller. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing in travel mode, and also for World Postcard Day for example, to make sure I get the badge on my profile :wink:


Now that I have a bit more than 300 sent cards I can see a tendency. Out of all my expired postcards, 4 are clearly lost since the users keep registering cards on a regular basis.
The other 8 postcards went to users that stopped postcrossing about the time when I got their address and they are still inactive. All of them have under 30 sent cards. Two of them registered my card after I messaged them to ask if they received my postcard. All cards except one already fell off the system.
There will never be an evidence but I presume that most or perhaps all of these eight received my postcards and didnā€™t bother to register it. Perhaps itā€™s just bad luck but I feel itā€™s quite a lot and itā€™s just frustrating. I wonder if itā€™s worthwile to contact admins in these cases, I never did this until now.


For totally inactive members, my advice is to wait six months before contacting Adminustration.


Does this mean that they did not register your card when they received it and only did so because you asked about the card?

Yes, exactly, they registered it right away without any explanation (travel time was more than 100 days to countries where it normally takes between 10-20 days), one registered six or seven other cards along with mine.

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Thanks for your response. For whatever the reason may have been that stopped them registering cards, I guess sending a ā€˜reminderā€™ works. I might contact a few members on my expired list.


A reminder works sometimes, not always. Imho, itā€™s worth a try, though others see it differently. There was/is a long debate about it here somewhere.


Here is one of the long debates. I have said this before and it bears repeating: I have zero patience with people sending me messages asking if Iā€™ve received their card. If I had, it would be registered. So Iā€™m firmly in the do-not-send-reminders-camp :innocent:


I have here a book pile, work pile, music pile, someone asked me lately did I got their card, I check these piles, my bag at least too, look the entrance hall if something fell there.

The zero patience sounds so scary and hostile :frowning: sender canā€™t know about your perfection.

It happened to me too, I asked about my expired card (waited until many), and each time something was registered, often the same person registered other cards too, so to me it seems itā€™s good to ask these. Writing the messages was slow, so I donā€™t do it anymore.


Oh dear, I didnā€™t know it was a much discussed and touchy subject. Duly noted that you are firmly in the do-not-send-me-reminders-camp.

Out of 500 cards, I think Iā€™ve had three or four inquiries from senders, at most. One never arrived, one arrived expired, others I donā€™t recall.

I have asked a couple of times, one person did admit it was received but never registered, another replied she did not have it (arrived later). Easier to just re-send to active members, and move on beyond others.


Yesterday I remembered I actually had my card expire to a person who told/shouted not to ask did they get the card. I didnā€™t ask but also didnā€™t send another. For some reason I felt already when sending, that my card will expire, or ā€œexpireā€, they had specific wishes, lots of donā€™ts and because also I felt maybe if so often people ask it, they do get some cards, but donā€™t register. (A country with well working mail then.)

Only maybe twice a year someone asks did I get their card, so itā€™s not problematic.
If it would be, I would not open such mail, most likely if a person donā€™t like mail like such, they already have done some filtering with their mail, doesnā€™t read it etc.

This could be, but for many itā€™s about money too, like from Finland the postage alone is 2,30ā‚¬/2,50ā‚¬ so I understand well if they donā€™t want to re-send.

And why I donā€™t re-send: I read some persons donā€™t like the first card and they wait if the sender re-sends something they would like more :frowning: I donā€™t want to support and reward such behaviour.

But Iā€™m not bothered about my expired, unless those would block me from getting any addresses. I have always free slots. Still of course it would be good to help those who have only few slotsā€¦Iā€™m occassionally now feeling guilty not asking after the expired, because it always resulted with registered cards.

Just in case someone likes to correct the tone, which I donā€™t notice, here is the style I used to send:


I am writing to you because I have sent you a postcrossing card on * date * and normally mail to your country has travelled in this time.
Maybe the id was unclear or some other problem with my card?

My card was * general description of the image side * and sent from Finland.
Perhaps you could check if you got it and forgot to register, or have other troubles to register it, then the team can help with the id. Not every time they are able to solve it, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m contacting you.

If you didnā€™t get it, letā€™s hope it arrives soon :slight_smile: