Expired Postcards

@Seracker sad to hear that…
@P05tkatze The address I got isn’t directed to home, so I guess the user has left for some reason. I’ve no idea what PC team will do about this but I am planning to contact them.
@allyne I posted this experience without even thinking of such a result… for I believe the user would never came back. I sent 2 cards to the user, the second of which was sent after I contacted the user, now I have to check if this user ever replied to my message about 2nd card, since I didn’t got the feedback.
@delenn_mir Hi thanks for the specific suggestion!!!
@TheHassFamily Hi thanks for sharing the experience and thoughts. Exactly I’ve had some contact with the user, so I had no bad feelings at first. But then the situation changed to what I posted, so I felt bad really. I’m trying to check, contact. Thanks!

Oh my god the user logged in 2 days ago!!!
I’ll try to communicate

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I urge to you contact Administration about this.

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Thanks I’ll.

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They will contact the user via e-mail and if the user does not reply within maybe a few days, then they will probably close the account and your card will be registered automatically.


Similar situation here. I ALWAYS send follow-up cards (specially printed for this purpose), so it puzzles me when none of the two cards arrive although the account owner is obviously active and alive. How can both cards not arrive?
I will probably never find out but still … it feels sort of good now to have written about it.


I have more expired postcards now than I have ever had - 21! Of these, 6 haven’t logged in for months. The rest log in regularly and have logged in recently, though they don’t all register postcards on a regular basis. I used to send second postcards at 90-100 days travelling to active users, but I haven’t in the last year, which might explain why I have so many expired.


WOW! One of my expired cards just got to it’s destination after 307 days of travel to the UK of all places. Usually it’s the addresses I get assigned that are in the Asian countries that take the longest time to travel. Whatever, just happy it got there.:slightly_smiling_face:


That’s crazy. It’s weird that it would take almost a year for your postcard to get from the States (I’m assuming that’s where you’re from) to the UK. I’m in Canada (between Toronto and Michigan) and I currently have two expired postcards. The one is a postcard I sent to China around October 11th, 2023. The other is one I sent to Moldova around October 25th, 2023. I messaged the people I’ve sent them to recently and asked if they’ve received my postcards yet, but so far, neither one of them have replied. I’m not going to make a big deal out of it, but I do hope that they show up soon.

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The person you sent it to hasn’t registered a postcard since March, and they registered 16 today. Something obviously happened that meant they couldn’t register postcards as they arrived. We never know what’s happening in people’s lives. Good that they’ve done it now. @TheFireHallGirl


Have these members been registering other cards since you sent yours, or nothing?

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Yeah except for I have one other outstanding UK expired card that went out around the same time so it’s something to do with the mail.

Yeah for sure. I mean, everybody gets busy with life. I’ve messaged both people and kindly asked if they received my postcards yet. So far, I haven’t heard anything yet and I’m not making a big deal out of it.

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I’ve checked both of their profiles and they both have registered postcards they’ve received. I noticed that the one will register a lot of postcards they’ve received. And when I say a lot, it looks like they’ve received ten postcards or more in one day (to be honest, I didn’t count, so this is just a random number I’m throwing out there).

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I honestly don’t mind them but the 1 thing for me is I don’t start another load of cards until all my other ones have been recieved/expired so I do get a wee bitty restless haha. ADHD & too many hobbies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That I can understand! I have other “particularities” like that but fortunately for me it does not concern the Postcrossing! Otherwise, waiting until all the postcards have arrived to send others, would be frustrating.


One card I’ve sent to China was registered recently after 187 days travelling!
And one from USA reached me after 83 days-

… so never give up hope. (Well, that advice might be for myself, as I’m really impatient with expired cards … currently having three of them enjoying their trips for 350, 204 and 144 days … )


You could bend that rule to exclude all of the expired cards. :wink: That is what I did for a while. Once a card reached 60 days of travel, I allowed myself to write another one. Just as the system will free your slot as well. :slight_smile:


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Got it and sorry for that :smiling_face_with_tear: I will use Englishi when reply others.


Hehehe thank you. I might just do that :grin:

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