Expired Postcards

Yes, this has been discussed in many topics :smile:
It is ok to ask, in one topic some of the founders told that, we can contact in a friendly way, they donā€™t have time to do it of course for us, but we are allowed to ask it.
(Of course if someone tells they donā€™t like it, I respect it and wouldnā€™t ask.)

Also asking can help, like now I have a half of a card, someone already asked did I receive their card, but it was not it. I can only register it if the sender contacts me.

And earlier someone sent me a card, but it was from Finland so not clear from where it was originally sent, so I could not get help to that. The message side with id was faded away from wetness, only address was readable. Also there, if the sender had asked, did I get a card from Finland, I would have known immediately itā€™s that.

These also at some point expired of course, and I felt so sorry because the senders canā€™t know I have the cards, but just canā€™t register those.


I usually donā€™t ask if cards arrived. The only time I do it is at the middle of month February for my december cards, as it would be a pity if they wonā€™t be registered in time for the december donation to ā€œStiftung Lesenā€ because the ID was not readable or someone forgot :slight_smile:

But in other times I usally donā€™t ask and just move on.


I messaged a member in January about an expired card I sent to them (last year). In my message, I mentioned that my cards to Germany generally take 2-4 weeks to arrive. They said the card was in their childā€™s room, and had missed getting registered, and thanked me for messaging them to ask about it. Life happens! Everyone is different.


I once had a person admit that the card had arrived, but apologized theyā€™d neglected to register it. These days, however, rather than asking I just send another.

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This one got registered by postcrossing, as the account was closed. Iā€™d given up on it, so now Iā€™m happy to have it on my wall! It was my only copy. Hopefully, it did make it to the recipient, and they just didnā€™t register it for lack of interest in the project or something, but did appreciate itā€¦


I recently received a message asking me to register their expired postcard. This postcrosser mentioned that they mailed 2 postcards. I registered the ID# and it was a nice postcard. I messaged the postcrosser back and said I hope I receive it someday.
I donā€™t normally mail a second postcard after my postcard has expired. A few of my expired postcards are beautiful (in my opinion) and I wish they could be displayed on my postcard wall and in that case I may mail a second postcard.

It is nice that you took a kindhearted approach but it is against the Community Guidelines to register a card you didnā€™t receive:

Never register a postcard that hasnā€™t arrived yet; if you see requests otherwise, please report it to us!

It is interesting to read in this thread that very active users donā€™t get many messages at all chasing up cards. I seem to get quite a lot, but often they are people enquiring about their long travel time of ~30 days. I used to always gently explain that it is normal for mail from X to Australia to take more than a couple of weeks, but now I only reply if I feel particularly motivated to ā€” I do sympathise with wanting your slots to free up, but itā€™s not too difficult to look at average travel times either. I definitely sympathise a lot more if itā€™s actually an unusually long travel time!


I didnā€™t think much of it at the time since the expired postcard was 100+ days overdue. Thank you for reminding me of the registration rules.

Hi friends! I know not everyone chooses to re-send long-expired cards, but for those who do, do you typically send the same card again, a similar card, or something different? Do you change the uploaded photo or leave it the same and hope the recipient will correct it if they get the second card first? (If you are the recipient of a re-send, what do you think is best?)

In my case, I have only re-sent one or two cards in the past, but I currently have 5 cards with super long travel times, 4 of which are going to consistently active users. And because they were all sent in Travel Mode from different places, I really want them to be registered and am probably going to re-send.

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I have a set of cards especially for resends.

Same motif in the front (Singapore flag), on the back itā€™s a printed message, something along the lines of ā€˜My name is ___. Sometime ago I sent you a card but it got lost. I am sending you this in the hopes it gets to you.ā€™ then add the ID

So all the SG flags on my wall are resends. This helps me keep track of how many I resend as well

Though for Travel Mode, it might be a bit weird for them to get a SG flag card with a foreign ID :rofl:


I really love that idea! Iā€™m not sure that I re-send often enough to justify it, nor what Iā€™d put on the front, but I love the concept nevertheless! I am actually putting in a print order for postcards in the next week or so, so I might need to think about that!

The Travel Mode part is also tripping me up slightly ā€” better to send a card related to the same place as the ID, but from Australia, or an Australian card from Australia but with a foreign IDā€¦ :thinking:

When I re-send, I usually send a different card (only 2 times did I send the same).

I always upload a collage of both postcards, showing when each one was sent so that the recipient knows after registering what both look like and what else he might receive (or not). Iā€˜ll leave it up to them to replace the picture, but most leave it as it is.

First one

And some recent examples:


Ohhh those are such cute photo collages! I am really glad I asked this question now ā€” thanks for sharing! :smiling_face:


Love this idea, thanks for sharing x


I havenā€™t resent a card in ages, but when I still did it occasionally, it would never have occurred to me to send the same card again. If they both arrive (and they often do, eventually), the recipient has two of the same, how boring. :wink: I used to choose a different card according to the profile - could be of a similar style or something completely different, depending on the profile and what I had available. I also personally donā€™t like the idea of a special replacement card design, as it isnā€™t the recipientā€™s fault if the first card gets lost in the mail. Iā€™d rather send them something I think they will like, not something that basically just says ā€œIā€™m sending you a second cardā€. But then again, I donā€™t resend anymore anyway. :wink:


I rarely have two of the same card to send a duplicate like that. No replacement image, so they can see the lost one, swap that out if theyā€™d like.

No specific replacement card for me, as Iā€™ve lost very few in two years, roughly 5 sent cards out of 500. I do mention in the message itā€™s a re-send (as a hint Iā€™m waiting for its arrival).


i donā€™t resend that often really, but recently i had 3 lost cards to germany. active users and a country where my cards usually arrive within a week. with one i scanned the second card and with the other two i kept the first cards. i thought it would be nice that they could see what my original card was as well. one kept the scan and the other person changed it herself. so now i have a card on my sent wall that has never arrived, which also feels a bit weird.

and no i did not sent the same card, i barely ever have duplicates on hand.


when a postcard expires i check the last login of that postcrosser for some months and if he logs-in regularly i send again around the 290th day only in europe.
if i donā€™t have a second copy of that postcard, i send something similar, but i donā€™t upload the new postcard so he can see what got lost and i let him choose if uploading or not the new postcard.


I do quite the same, but I sent the 2nd card earlier. I started sending these cards beginning of day 60 (excluding countries with long travel times, for those I wait longer).
Now, I begin to resend after day 100.
At the moment, I have 4 cards expired, 3 members of them are inactive, but hope for the best :slight_smile: If not, it would be so sad for the cards, but thats the game.


When I re-send an expired card, I send a different design, for several reasons. I think it is easier for the recipient to tell the cards apart when they are different, even though I always write a message that identifies it as a second card. Sometimes I have only one card of a particular design. Honestly sometimes when I send a second card, I choose a card that I donā€™t like as much, because it gets expensive to send second cards too. But thereā€™s been two members who told me they liked the second card more :sweat_smile:
Most of the time, I usually leave the uploaded photo of the missing card, because the sender can change it themselves after registering, if they want to, and that way they can see what the missing card looks like.