Elfstedentocht (Part 2) Snits - 26/10/2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Sneek (Snits), the Netherlands
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Grand-Café; De Walrus (Leeuwenburg 11)
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 26 Oktober 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

!!! SIGN UP !!!
Please! Sign up for different topics and not “sign up for all”. I like to find your name back in the designated topic in case I forget something :slight_smile: I won’t put you on the list otherwise.

This meeting is only one of twelve in this series! Yes, you heard it right! We are going to do the Elfstedentocht! And as is tradition, we start in Leeuwarden and finish in Leeuwarden.
Over here you can find the links to the other meetings in this series!

Elfstedentocht (Start) Ljouwert – 28/9/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 2) Snits – 26/10/2024 ← You are on this page
Elfstedentocht (Part 3) Drylts – 23/11/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 4) Sleat – 21/12/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 5) Starum – 25/1/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 6) Hylpen – 22/2/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 7) Warkum – 29/3/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 8) Boalsert – 19/4/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 9) Harns – 24/5/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 10) Frjentsjer – 21/6/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 11) Dokkum – 26/7/2025
Elfstedentocht (Finish) Ljouwert – 23/8/2025

We meet at 11.30 at “Grand-Café de Walrus” entrance in Sneek. We expect to be there for around 4 hours, we can lunch there and write the postcards.
Sneek is very beautiful, so don’t come for the meeting only, give yourself some time to look around as well!

In the Elfstedentocht, you must collect all the stamps from the city you visit. Our meetings will not be any different! You will receive a stamp card; with every meeting you join, you can collect a stamp! Try to collect them all!
Image will come later

You have time to order the postcard from 15 August until 1 September. I will order these at the same time as the postcards of Leeuwarden to keep things a little bit more organised in my house
They will be €0,65 per card.
postcard image will be announced on August 15

Gerda-RD will design postage stamps for this meeting, featuring the Elfstedentocht Fountains. Both international and national will feature the same image. You can order the stamps per 5.
€5,75 for 5x NL stamps
€11,50 for 5x International stamps
price may change due to inflation
Gerda is willing to send them in the mail to you, but that means 4 in the envelope and 1 for sending.

MEETERS (Max 20)

  • Gait (Gytha)
  • Mysticalmy (Ymkje)
  • Lucy73 (Lucy)
  • Rosinchenblau (Annette)
  • Exploradora73 (Brenda) OVB
  • GeertruidaB (Geertruida)
  • Annerie (Annerie)
  • Victorialris (Mariska)
  • IrisenFleur (Iris)
  • Vikingsmeisje (Anita)
  • Cleo1 (Anja)
  • Gerda-RD (Gerda)
  • Harlingen (Lucie)
  • Mevrouw (Marian)
  • anne24 (Anne)OVB
  • _Jessica (Jessica) OVB
  • pareltje21 (Marjan) OVB
  • mirYaam (Mirjam)
  • Leentjebuur (Leni)
  • SusanneMartijn (Susanne)


  • 940gl (Marieke)
  • Belske (Christel)
  • Joo5t (Joost)

Sign me up

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I would like to join!

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I would like to join!

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Graag op de lijst obv ivm.


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Graag wil ik mij aanmelden

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Ook ga ik graag mee naar Sneek.

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Ik kom graag en Iris @IrisenFleur ook

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I clearly overestimated the distance and unfortunately it is very inconvenient to use public transport. So unfortunately I can’t take part after all.

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Ik ga graag mee

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Ik doe ook graag mee.

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Yes, I’m coming!

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Added everyone on the list :slight_smile:

ook zou ik hier graag bij zijn

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wie niet weg is gezien, ik kom

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Added to the list!

Gerda-RD is going to make some beautiful stamps for the meeting!

Onder voorbehoud graag

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Graag onder voorbehoud als het mag. Laat het zo snel mogelijk weten of het lukt.

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Ik wil graag komen ovb

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Ik kom hier ook graag

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