Elfstedentocht (Part 8) Boalsert - 19/4/2025

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Bolsward (Boalsert), the Netherlands
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bus station Bolsward
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 19 April 2025 (apparently its kingsday so this meeting may move to another date. You will hear more about this the end of the month)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

!!! SIGN UP !!!
Please! Sign up for different topics and not “sign up for all”.
I would like to be able to find your sign-up back, and I can’t do that if it’s all over :wink:
I won’t write your name in all either if you do so, just the meetings you responded under.

This meeting is only one of twelve in this series! Yes, you heard it right! We are going to do the Elfstedentocht! And as is tradition, we start in Leeuwarden and finish in Leeuwarden.
Over here you can find the links to the other meetings in this series!

Elfstedentocht (Start) Ljouwert – 28/9/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 2) Snits – 26/10/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 3) Drylts – 23/11/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 4) Sleat – 21/12/2024
Elfstedentocht (Part 5) Starum – 25/1/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 6) Hylpen – 22/2/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 7) Warkum – 29/3/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 8) Boalsert – 19/4/2025 ← You are on this page
Elfstedentocht (Part 9) Harns – 24/5/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 10) Frjentsjer – 21/6/2025
Elfstedentocht (Part 11) Dokkum – 26/7/2025
Elfstedentocht (Finish) Ljouwert – 23/8/2025

I’m setting everything up right now, and over the next few days you will find more info written here, but in general, we will meet up, have lunch and write postcards. Maybe even do some postcard shopping. I’ll first set up all the meetings so people can sign up and then write out everything to come.

Yes. There will be a stamp card where you can collect the stamps of the cities you visit, just as you will with the Elfstedentocht! I will provide you with one :slight_smile:

Postcards will be made later on. The idea is to have a mail carrier joining the Elfstedentocht and you follow their journey throughout the cities.

Gerda-RD is going to design stamps for this meeting from the fountains that are placed in every city. When you can order cards, you can order the stamps with her :slight_smile:

MEETERS (Max 20)

  • Gait (Gytha)
  • Roelie
  • Mysticalmy
  • Anne24
  • Lucy73
  • Blijdatikschrijf (OVB)
  • meidans
  • GeertruidaB
  • Annerie
  • Deeske1974 OVB
  • flo_postcards OVB (if meeting is changed to different date)
  • Rosinchenblau
  • Vikingsmeisje
  • Gerda-RD
  • Harlingen
  • Mevrouw
  • andrea236
  • _Jessica OVB
  • pareltje21
  • mirYaam (If meeting is changed to different date)


  • SusanneMartijn

Hello…me again…sign me up

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This one as well

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Love to come.

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Ik kom graag naar Bolsward!
(nog een beetje ovb want m’n agenda voor 2025 is nog niet duidelijk)

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I think it wiuld be great to come but maybe kingsday will be celebrated this day?

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Oh i didnt think of that! I may change the date a week then. Ill check tomorrow

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Please Count me in

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Ik meld me ook voor deze meeting

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A great idea with this series of events, but unfortunately not possible for me by train, what a shame!

Ik kom graag ovb als de meeting een week verplaatst wordt (koningsdag wordt de 26e gevierd)

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I would like to join🤗

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Ik geef me op!

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Hello, sign me up

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At the end of the month i know for sure. Basicly I may or may not have something the week before. So im coming back to that later.

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Kingsday will definitely be celebrated on the 26th. I hope you can find another date. And that I then still will be able to come :wink:
Thank you for organising all these meetings.

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Added everyone to the list!

I do think it’s best to change the dates for this one. But I need to see when it will be. Most logically would be 19 April, but it can be I am unavailable then myself. And a week later, 3 May, will be the next Schiermonnikoog meeting, as that is always in the same weekend.

You hear from me soon about the date, I should know it in 2 weeks.


graag geef ik me op voor deze meeting

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Leuk, ben graag van de partij

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