Do you rewrite postcards?

I have written and decorated a really lovely postcard but now it’s finished, I don’t like what I’ve written. It would be a waste not to send it and perhaps I’m overthinking it lol. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts and what you do with cards you’re not happy with. :slight_smile:


There are tags for these cards like Scratch and Dent tag and maybe more.

Usually the cards sent there are perfectly fine except a scratch or dent, or wrong written…

I think you can cover the message and sent it in these tags.


Thank you. that sounds good, I’d be interested in that. I just had a look and I am new to the forum so I don’t really understand how the tagging works just yet but I will try to find out

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As start I recommend reading here and don’ t hesitate to ask if you have still questions. :slight_smile:

Tags are a lot of fun :smiley:

Very occasionally, I might use whiteout tape or liquid or a label if I’ve made a mistake - like put the wrong name or some factual error, but you can only say so much in 3 to 5 sentences on a postcard so I wouldn’t worry too much about it - they don’t have to be perfect eh?

You’ll find over the next 6 to 8 months you get much better at choosing what you want to say on a postcard given how little you can write - it helps you to focus on the essentials.


If I make a mistake I can write over it or put a sticker. If I can’t fix it, I might just leave it. Today I confidentally wrote Saturday to a card that was written on a Sunday :sweat_smile: But fixing it would mess up the “aesthetics” of the card so I just left it there.

If I don’t do any mistakes but just end up hating how the card looks, I might try to fix it by removing or adding stickers, but I usually just leave it. It’s okay to not be 100% proud of my decorations all the time.

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yes absolutely this. and the receiver will most likely just appreciate you’ve decorated it at all. same with the message. usually the messages that aren’t really thought over well are the best. recently i was writing to someone about something and then my thoughts took their own turn and i ended up thinking what did i just write. but oh well, at least it’s not some generic message which is one of many pet peeves of postcrossers.

you might find some more answers here

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