Do you prefer one every day or a bundle ?

I once had a card to Taiwan expired for many many days. The user has not been active for month. When it finaly was registered I saw that the user registered over 100 cards that day. I wonder why this was. I just know that this would have been way to much work for me.


I would like to receive postcards every business day, but the mail is only delivered every second day in Norway (2 days one week, 3 days the next week). So I end up getting several cards when the mail is delivered. (The exception is for those who got a P.O.Box - mail is delivered every day).

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I’m not sure what I prefer. :smiley:
Just as in Finland, post isn’t delivered every day here in Sweden, so you tend to get a few on those days.
I always try to register the day I get them, but this Friday I had a little bundle of seven cards (5 official and two others) and felt a little stressed when I got home. Happy and stressed.
I did register them the day after though, and have written a bunch today (with a fun spread of countries too).
So, I’d probably like to get up to three or so on one day. But a bundle could be fun too, you know…
I’m hopeless. :wink:

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Wow. Yeah, I could never manage that.

Many people can’t collect their mail on a daily basis – they may not have transportation to get to their mailbox frequently, they may be at university, traveling for work, or their postal service may not deliver every day, among other reasons. For these people, batch registering is not a choice but something they would have to do.


I would prefer one every day but the bundle is the only way it happens for a lot of us. You can read all about it in this thread

But in short, every single one of my card registered triggers like 10 cards sent to me. So in the space of 2-3 weeks I will get 2,3, up to 5 cards every few days. Then I have 10 more received than sent and it takes me 3 months to catch up and be in a position to receive again. Always been like this, always will be :slight_smile:


I prefer bundles I guess. When I think about my happines it’s much more with a full mailbox :smiley:

I think it’s OK to give yourself more time to reply. Replying to received cards should not be a burden. If you got a card from me, I would want you to take the time to breathe and enjoy it, and not to feel rushed. It is not your fault that the cards are slow to arrive!


I like getting 2 to 3 it brings me joy to see the different countries they came from then register then and see the days and miles it took.

On the other hand, the guidelines advice to register as soon as possible:

"Register postcards on arrival.

When a postcard arrives, you should register it as soon as possible, since the sender is dependent on you to be able to receive a postcard back."

So I would register them as soon as I can.
(This is also why I don’t like the high expectations towards Hurrays, how some complain if they are short, or no text, what is a good hurray and what does the shortness mean etc.)
For some, writing a hurray becomes a burden, when someone is expecting it to be (very) long.

Of course you @doryfera can tell that for your cards, but any other cards I would register as soon as possible. Many people are waiting to have a new empty slot to send a card.

If I would get my two months mail, I would register all with simple “Thank you”. Then, slowly read them.

There is all kinds of imaginary reasons seen behind people who are not sending a proper card, not writing a message etc. so I think we can as well in Hurrays understand, that maybe someone is writing the Hurray with a stick in their mouth and they spent all their energy in writing the id :slight_smile:


@xxxyyy, well of course you are right :slightly_smiling_face:
We all have to find the best balance between registering with reasonable promptness (as the guidelines state), and not getting into a panic over it.
I try to register within 24 hours, but if for some reason life is too hectic, it may be 48 hours.
And some people have only intermittent access to computers, so for them, batch registration is the only way.
I agree with your wise comments about Hurrays. I myself tend to be perfectionist, and try to write a personal response in thanks for the cards. But I am sure most Postcrossers do not expect or even want that. And if it means I am too slow in Hurraying, it does not help anyone! As a dear friend likes to say, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” It’s OK to be brief as well as enthusiastic.


Yes, for me 24 hours and 48 hours is very soon :slight_smile:
There are so many different situations, some work weeks elsewhere and get mail when they are home, so that’s their “as soon as possible”. Some have children, pets and partners who need attention and mail can/must wait. I think that’s the “hard” part, because we can’t choose when the mail arrives. Sometimes “as soon as possible” registering is not very soon.

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I’m a bit of topic, I guess.

Once I got a card and was so tired, I hit the wrong button on my Computer, so it got registered with a short hurray. (I think I wrote only a thank you sentence and wanted to add another paragraph.) But I was to exhausted to send a message directly afterwards, I did this a few days later, as I had more time then.

So this might also work for huge batches of cards. First registerthem as received with maybe a bit generic thank yous, and when there’s more time and write the sender a more personalized message, if you like.


I don’t have a preference on receiving one every day or a bundle. Most of my joy is actually from sending postcards. And unlike most people, it seems, I don’t feel stressed about sending thank you messages at all. They feel a bit relaxing to me.


This is a lovely option, and one I always forget about. Thank you!


It’s kind of you to think like that! :relaxed: But cards I received these days have traveled for more than 100 days. I am afraid that the senders will lose heart so I tried my best to register those cards sooner. But I did write every Hurray messages carefully.


Since I’m receiving mail only once a week these days I always get a whole bunch every time.
So for this I prefer a little amount day by day, but - not just one single card. As I don’t like to register and scan / upload cards via smartphone (also due to my visual impairment) I have to use the computer. But I don’t want to switch it on just for one single card if I don’t have to do any other computer work on that day.

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official postcards from 3 sites, private swaps, lotteries won, tags, they all make a day without any postcards a rare thing in the latest months :rofl:
receiving many postcards one day makes me think that the following day i could receive nothing and it makes me sad, so i prefer one every day :smiley:


I’d prefer one every day as it would give me something to look forward to each day, but occasionally a bundle would be fun, too :relaxed:


I feel more comfortable receiving cards 2-3 times a week. It was my actual rhythm for a long time, before the backlog problem of our post. I miss those days.

I don’t like big bundles, I take long time dealing with received cards — taking pictures, updating my doc which I use to record sent/rec, registering (official), or reporting in the thread (rr), or writing messages (tag/swap). I enjoy writing personalized messages but it usually takes longer time as English is not my mother tongue.

There are also times I may be outside for a whole day, arrive home very late and exhausted, can’t wait to get some sleep. If I find cards I’d put them away and deal with them the next day, usually won’t delay for long.