Do You Make Zines? - Zine Chat in General

Thank you for sharing the video.
The zine on the video is really neatly made, I like it!

Mine is actually more hand made, loosely hand-bound,
made by a copy machine at a local supermarket.

Zine swap- this would be a great idea.

I have made some, but not in a professional way.
I often buy one on Etsy. Some are very nice.
I would love to have a collection of old zines during grrrrllll power times.

I am sometimes sending one of mine out to others. It’s a feministic one. And it’s also full of collages.
Wanna swap? Send me a PM


hi there, sorry for the late response.
sure, we can swap. it is just that it takes some time and energy to create only one zine of mine. so if you could allow me time, i would be happy to send one your way. till then, take care!

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All right!!! Let’s make some zines…
I have one already done about noise music releases in cassette tapes.
Take care!!!

Hello. I’m bored and lonely. I spend most of my time in my room. I love zines. Would anyone be my pen pal and maybe share their zines with me?

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I am not looking for pen pals now currently but if you would like to receive one of my mini zines, we can trade. Do you make zines, by the way? If not, how about a couple of viewcards from Maine (where you live) for one of my mini zines as our trade? You can message me if you would like to trade with me.

I recently made two mini fan zine of the ceramics from Poland, 14 pages one and 22 pages one. Mostly photos of the ceramics, full colour. You can see a bit of it here :

Also, a mini Japanese tram zine. Mostly photos of the trams in Japan. 14 page total, full colour.

In the end of October, I am going to the local small zine fair in Japan. They are going to display lots of mini zines there. Cannot wait !


Last week, I made a new mini zine, 14 page one, showing all of my rubber / eraser stamps that I made by carving, about 20 pieces/ stamps. I have just started to make my own rubber / eraser stamps this month and have already made quite a lot. The results of them came out surprisingly nice. You can see some of my works here. Click where it says Rubber Stamps and scroll down a bit to see my post by clubpostcards :

I used two sheets of A4 size paper (brown kraft paper) that I bought at a 100 yen shop ( like a dollar/ Euro shop). I also bought a black stamp ink pad for 100 yen, and a roll of yarn (to loosely hand-bound my zines) for 100 yen too, and I do not have to pay for photocopying this time, so I can make more of this mini zine very inexpensively, cost-wise :slight_smile: Just, a bit of time-consuming to create one mini zine by stamping each page, but generally making mini zines are fun :slight_smile:


I saw this quick tutorial on how to do a 12 page mini-zine with one sheet of paper, and it reminded me of this topic. Shall we try it? :slight_smile:


oh, i did not know we could make a 12-page mini zine out of one sheet of paper !

good idea !

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today i went to a local zine fair.
they displayed about 60 mini zines there that were made by a single paper. most participants were from japan but i noticed a participant from finland and several participants from taiwan.

oh, and there was a participant who has made a mini zine about postcrossing too ! here are the photos :


here are what my latest mini zine look like which is made with my handmade carved stamps. it is about 8 cm x 6 cm in size and 14 pages.

would anyone like to swap it for your mini zine? i have to keep the original one, so you will get a copy of it, a colour-copied one.

if you do not have mini zine zines of yours but would still like to swap with me, please message me with what you can offer in return so i can get back to you :slight_smile:


hi @meiadeleite

could you please move this whole thread to Mailart, Handmade and Stationery section so that more people will be aware this zine thread exists?

so far only about 300 people viewed this thread although it has been a year since this thread was created by me?

thank you a lot!

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There’s a cool sort of “alternative” bookstore in Chicago called Quimby’s that sells quite a few zines.



in this thread, we can chat about anything about zines, including mini zines.

if you do not know them, just go to youtube and you will see what they are like.

i actually made a thread called Do You Make Zines? in Everything Else (Other) section a year ago but it only have had about 300 views total and i am a bit sad about it. so i decided to create this thread here in handmade section so hopefully it will have more views by people.

dear moderators and admins people, if you think this is a double post about zines, could you merge and close the thread by me about zines in Everything Else (Other) section, not here? i really appreciate it.

let us chat about zines in general here!


ok, i start first. i have known about zines since teenage made by my favourite musician in USA but in my country Japan, i had no idea where i could get them locally at all.

many years passed not being able to get much of zines. but nowadays, i have some zines, sent via postal mails by the help by my postal friends abroad.

last year, i made my first mini fan zine about Polish Pottery. since then, i made about 5 mini zines, all two A4 size paper folded into 14 pages. full-coloured. they can fit in a regular-sized envelope. i enjoy sending them for people worldwide via postal mails. i welcome zine swaps, so please feel free to message me.

simply, i like zines a lot :slight_smile:

i now have a question to you all. do you have physical stores or bookstores where they carry zines in your area or country?

in my city of Japan, there is this independent printing place where they carry some zines including ones from abroad but they are a bit costly. . . oh, and i do not buy zines online. . .


I love zines! I got interested in them because of the riot grrrl movement and although I have a favorite types (feminism, social justice, punk stuff, these kinds of issues), I appreciate that there is many varieties and that anyone can make one about anything if they feel like it.

I’m not sure about places to get them. Not mainstream/shopping stores, st least. We have a book cafe here that is kind of a meeting point for all things alternative and those issues I mentioned and I think they might have some zines too.

A few months ago we made two zines about women + immigrant stories in Finland at the organization where I usually spent some time. It wasn’t mini per se (just a little below A4) but it’s really cool and we will be giving it away around the city when possible. It has some pages in english but mostly it’s in Finnish and once I have more energy I will create a translation document to be send with it if anyone abroad is interested in reading it.

We are doing other creative projects at the moment but I believe we will do another zine this year. I’ll definitely do some by myself too. It would be nice to create kind of a international group project with other people, so maybe we could cross paths and addresses one of these days.:relaxed:

Did you ever exchange zines with other postcrossers @clubpostcards ?
I think there was a group somewhere in a round robin where people exchanged zines with each other. Didn’t take part but would love to one day.


the musician in USA who made zines i mentioned about above is actually a female punk musician, what a coincidence!

so far, i have sent one of my mini zine to postcrossers quite many times through a lottery where everyone was the winner, to about 37 postcrossers. i also exchanged my mini zine with several postcrossers for their zine.

i knew about the mini zine exchange on Round Robins but i can only view it on pc, not through the phone, i do not know why. i may participate in it in the future.

oh and i am so interested in the zine you made! when the english translation is done, could we swap zines? i also have several new decent japanese illustation zines by a different female artist that i would like to send out along with my mini zines.

the book cafe in your area sounds awesome too! :slight_smile:

hey there! I found out about zines through the internet, though I can’t really place where my interest first started. It may have been from a documentary I was watching about the riot grrrl movement and how they used zines to get their message out, or the movie Moxie on Netflix. either way, I kinda became obsessed!

I mostly make mini zines just from casual subjects, when I want to do something with my hands. for example, the last zine I made was just for fun; I collaged extra pieces from an art project at school that I never ended up using. what I do is mostly collage and poetry, though I am interested in branching out in the future! making zines with other people is incredibly fun, and some of the best zines I’ve ever made come from those collaborations! those collaborations also help me branch out of my usual zine format, like bigger or zines of different mediums.

we do have several places I know that sell zines in my city, Chicago! all of them are small bookstores, and the zines are relatively affordable. there’s even a zine-scene in my city because it’s such a large city., we have zine fairs (which unfortunately I haven’t been able to go to in recent years because of covid), where small creators and vendors set up booths and for multiple days people walk around and buy their zines! I also buy zines online, specifically at Etsy, when I can’t get to one of these bookstores.

I’ve ended up getting several of my friends into zine-making, which is very exciting! I also do penpalling quite a lot, and encourage all of my penpals to make zines by giving some to them or swapping!

If either of you would ever like to swap (or swap again, @clubpostcards :blush:) I would love that! It would be incrediby cool to see the different kinds of zines people make in other countries. @alter3ch0 I agree with @clubpostcards, I would love to swap for the English translations of the zines you’ve made when they’re completed!


Hi @clubpostcards, as the first post about zines in your other topic had all the information about zines that’s needed when first stumbling upon them, I moved that other topic here and merged the new one into it. I hope that’s okay.

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hi @reisegern

thank you a lot!

hopefully, this zine thread here have more viewers and comments.

and @cadpho
sure, we can exchange a mini zine again! i will message you later today :slight_smile:

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