Rubber stamps

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I have a self-inking stamp from zazzle with my username, but it is very slow drying.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a self-inking stamp (customisable) that dries quickly?

Here’s my collection :black_heart:


i am super new at creating handmade rubber stamps. here are the rubber / eraser stamps that i made by carving recently.


Happy to see Tampographe Sardon get some love here. I had a great time visiting his store when I was in Paris a few years ago. The only rubber stamp I’ve got is one of his, but it was really difficult to limit myself to one purchase :smiley:


This is my biggest and most beautiful rubber stamp:

Bought on Etsy.


i made these rubber / eraser stamps by carving in two day. it was fun making them !


Your stamps are beautiful! I love the four leaf clover :heart_eyes:

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What kind of ink pad do all of you expert stampers recommend? I’ve seen pigment, dye, and archival ink pads at a local craft shop, but I’m not sure what would be best for postcards.

Here’s a few stamp cancels and postmarks I’ve had made over the years. The first says “It only looks OFFICIAL because it’s round.” Two cancels that are used in tandem say; “It’s got a long way to go,” and the other says; “Let’s hope it gets there.” I thought it kind of humorous to think that a postal worker would stamp such markings on a postcard. The other is one of Mickey Mouse, who, when stamped on a card, would be looking at a stamp saying; “Gosh, it’s been…CANCELLED.” The “Another fine ACME cancellation” is a tribute to graphic novelist Chris Ware, and his fictitious “ACME Novelty Company.” The “W.A.S.T.E.” stamp is an image “borrowed”
from Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49, a novel about conspiracies and competing, mysterious postal companies. The other stamp I bought at a museum, which I believe was a re-issue of a rubber stamp used by Fluxus artists years ago:


These stamps are great! :slight_smile: I like the kind of humour. And :x:Fluxus!:x:

My suggestion is to ask at the local craft shop - they should know their inks! Ask for something that dries quickly.
For postcards in general I would recommend waterproof ink (ask or read at the shop, which inks are waterproof after drying). Inks that are good for embossing take quite long to dry and aren’t my first choice for postcards.
But there are postcards and postcards - too many have quite a glossy back, even if it doesn’t look like that. If you use rubber stamps on those, the ink might get blurry quite quickly. For those cards I recommend “staz on” pigment ink, which can be used on nearly all surfaces. But you have to clean your rubber stamps thoroughly after using it. There’s a special “staz on” cleaning liquid available.



I love that stamp :two_hearts: Could you send me the link to the Etsy store or just the shop name please? I make cards as well and my sisters would love that on her bday card.

The shop name is noolibirdstamps. Have fun shopping! :heart_eyes:

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i made a matrioshka rubber / eraser stamp today by carving.


@Eef_NL thank you so much :heart_eyes:

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Thank you very much. And a bit of trivia: Did you know that the singer Beck’s grandfather was Al Hansen, one of the pioneers of the Fluxus movement?


Thank you for your thorough response! I really appreciate it. I’m going to check out the local selection after work!

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No, I didn’t even know the singer Beck Hansen. But Al Hansen invented the wanton destruction of musical instruments with his piano drop from a house in Frankfurt, Well, I guess some musical instruments deserve it. I’m not sure what John Cage would have said. But on the other hand… as long as the sound is good when the piano hits the ground…

Attached is a video for Beck’s “Lost Cause.” (Something I can identify with). I hadn’t heard of the piano drop. I hope it wasn’t a Steinway grand. And here is also attached a picture of John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen, flying their aeroplane.