Rubber stamps

Thank you for your thorough response! I really appreciate it. I’m going to check out the local selection after work!

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No, I didn’t even know the singer Beck Hansen. But Al Hansen invented the wanton destruction of musical instruments with his piano drop from a house in Frankfurt, Well, I guess some musical instruments deserve it. I’m not sure what John Cage would have said. But on the other hand… as long as the sound is good when the piano hits the ground…

Attached is a video for Beck’s “Lost Cause.” (Something I can identify with). I hadn’t heard of the piano drop. I hope it wasn’t a Steinway grand. And here is also attached a picture of John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen, flying their aeroplane.


today i made a rubber / eraser stamp of an elephant from India by carving but i made a mistake on his foot. i carved a bit too much, oh-oh.


Perhaps you could carve the elephant a crutch? (Or a really large wheelchair).


yes, it does look he needs a crutch or something now, right?

poor elephant.

Actually, I couldn’t even tell that there was anything wrong with the elephant’s foot, even with the help of your arrow. You should just say what all artists say when someone points out a “mistake” in their work: “But it’s SUPPOSED to be like that.”


My rubber stamps


My collection of rubber stamps. I really love the deer. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love the scruffy fox! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I got the fox a few days ago from heindesign. So cute!

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Oh, is that a chameleon? :heart_eyes: I must find one of those — they’re like a symbol of our region!

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Yes it is. It’s a heindesign rubber stamp. They have two chameleons. Just search chamäleon on their site and you’ll find it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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These are 2 of my favorite stamp sets


I started this summer with stamping and these are my favorite.


I found this set at goodwill, brand new!


Oh, they’re beautiful! :heart_eyes: I can imagine using them in a very light color, for the background of postcards!


May I ask where you got the RAINY SUNNY / Days of the Week / Coffee stamps?! Love them!

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Hi, you can get them from ali express website.

I scour Ali Express all the time. Never seen them! Can you share a direct link?