[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

Curiouser and curiouser.

I would suggest it might be a web browser issue, but I use firefox both on mobile and computer, and it’s only a computer issue for me

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on Windoze chrome here… though haven’t logged in via mobile for a while… maybe a refresh/cookie thing needed?

Just logged in via mobile, took a screenshot, and now back on my pc to upload the image…

Thank you @jobloggs for the welcome message. I look forward to sending more postcards.


@MartynHst43277 thank you for such a warm welcome. Really enjoying Postcrossing so far. Thanks again for the lovely message.


Happy cakeday - not sure if it’s your birthday or Postcrossing anniversary.:tada:


Does anyone on here know where I can get smaller address labels that will fit on normal sized postcards?
Thanks in advance!

Hi all, new chain lottery for the BI forum just opened here, I’m hosting this one… please go ahead and enter if you like!


Happy almost weekend fellow postcrossers! I hope everyone’s fine. It’s nearly 01:00, so I should be asleep, but I’m not tired. I should be because I was on a walk for nearly an hour in the evening taking photos of the wild flowers in the woods near me. I thought I’d share a couple:

And here is a sweet ladybird I encountered at my allotment:



Good morning! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. I love bluebells and ladybirds! I hope the allotment is coming along well. It’s going to need a fair bit of watering this weekend, I think!

It’s early so I hope you are able to have a lie-in if you were awake at 1pm. I was up til midnight finishing a book and sort of regretting it now! :joy:

Hope you have another good day today!


Ir’s 06:39 now and I still haven’t slept. Hopefully soon. I can’t believe the temperature at the moment. About 22°c here!

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Yes, I hope you get a good sleep soon
I think it supposed to be hot over the weekend but then cooler and wetter next week. At least you won’t have to water your allotment! :wink:

That will be good. Although I’ve so many things in the greenhouse I’ll soon be planting lots.

Have a good day :+1:

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I’ve been a bit slow getting going, but March was really far too wet to prepare beds for spuds, and early April wasn’t much better… Still heavy going.

Got a carpet of forget-me-not, and I’m not bothered. I’ve decided to somewhat embrace the weeds - dandelions are pretty flowers and the bees and things love 'em (and sometimes love umm, others in them and well… leads to more critters… especially in a bolted swiss chard last year - counted more than half a dozen couples at it!!!)


March was a horrible month for planting. People are starting to tend to their plots now that the weather is improving.

Here is a photo of the moon I captured on the way home from my walk:


We noted the beautiful moon on the way home this evening, too. :crescent_moon:

Saw what I could only dream about from postcards & stamps from Finland - the northern lights tonight!


You are so lucky! We saw they would be visible in some places in the UK last night but not from here, sadly. How wonderful for you! :heart_eyes_cat:

I live by Gatwick Airport and a friend got a photo as did another friend in Caterham. According to the chappie on the BBC, a camera picks up more light than we can see, so it’s worth taking photos even if nothing seems visible to the naked eye. Just saying because tonight is due to be good too.


Apparently they were visible here but we had no idea. Kicking myself! I’m going to try tonight!