[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

I’m a big people watcher, too, but I don’t have bring a nurse as an excuse; I’m just nosy!


I really loved reading the little snippet you sent me. It certainly piqued my interest in written postcards… getting a set that tells a story is really special.


Once I bought a lot of cards on eBay and some were written. They were all written by one family. The dad had gone to work in Hong Kong quite regularly and would send back postcards, and the children would draw a picture which the mum would write a caption for and send to him in Hong Kong.

There was even a card the dad hadn’t sent but had written to a local radio station in Hong Kong asking them to play “Chirpy Chirpy Cheep” by Middle of the Road as it reminded him of his wife and children :pleading_face: (the lyrics are “Where’s your mama gone?”)

These cards continued for 5 years until the wife and children moved over to Hong Kong. They’d then use postcards to send love notes to one another!

And then 40 years after that, there was one last card of (I assume) their apartment block and the wife had written “To my darling husband, thank you for a fabulous life and wonderful company for all these years”.

Yes I needed tissues after reading all those! :face_holding_back_tears:


That’s incredible!

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Oh my goodness, that is so wonderful.
I had also forgotten about that track. I had it on vinyl, and I still know the song and words. My sister and I used to sing the overlapping repeated lines together…


What I love the most about reading vintage cards is that the language of postcards hasn’t changed over the decades, You can relate the every one.

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Wait… That’s where “Where’s your momma gone” comes from??
My dad used to say/kinda sing this line to me and my brother all the time, but we just assumed it was one of his many weird Dad things :sweat_smile:


Thanks all for your responses to this, I’ve decided not to use it for now.


I just got a card in 6 days - that’s some speed from RM!


I’ve just received a Hurray message from a Postcrosser in Australia :australia: the card only went in the post last Monday, the 18th! I’m amazed!

I drew the address on the 13th and wrote it on the 14th, but the Postcrosser requested beer mats, and my husband struggled to find any, turns out most places locally don’t use them anymore. As our last weekend post is 7am Saturday, it didn’t get collected until Monday morning (which I felt quite bad about, I don’t usually delay sending for so long) but it presumably arrived today, a week later.

I’m so impressed, well done RM & AusPost :clap: x


I had a penpal whose boyfriend collected beer mats, so I’d send some with most letters.

Was in a pub at the weekend, and had my J2O on a beermat.


I hope i pull that person some time. I have a huge beer mat collection just gathering dust haha


I think I can call this a VERY happy mail day! Individual thank yous to follow! :blush::blush::blush: x


Same :sweat_smile: always in the supermarket when she’d wandered off somewhere :rofl:

I’ve got a box file thing for my stamps. The stamps go in document wallets, with card. 0-4p/to 9p, 10-14/15-19p, etc… Though do have the 40p scented stamps separate, and the 2nd / 1st too. System goes a bit awry with miniature sheets, but they are at the back of the file.


Sign ups for Spring Kindness by Post close today if anyone’s looking to send some Happy Mail within the UK: Kindness by Post - Mental Health Collective


Signed up, what a lovely idea, thank you for sharing @geo_ :hearts:

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Me, too. Thank you for posting this. :smiling_face:


I’ve just checked the details for my match, really looking forward to putting something together this weekend! Thanks for sharing :smiling_face:

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