Can we still sent cards/letters to Ukraine?

i just wanna say to everyone in ukraine right now reading this, i hope you will be okay and things get better soon. i can’t imagine what it must be like, please take care of yourself.

and while mail service is obviously not important at all this time, this is definitely true

also please lets be kind to russian postcrossers, i’m sure they are not the one who started this war.


Finnish post will return the mail sent to Ukraine to the sender, so maybe, if it’s unclear to some countries if they can send, put your return address, so it can be sent back if necessary.


Unless Putin is on Postcrossing and we got his address, I don’t see any reason to not keep on being kind.

If there was a time where Postcrossing’s mission is more important than never, that time is now.
There isn’t much more I can add to what was said. I just wish this wasn’t happening at all.

I bet all the routes there (and maybe Russia) will be impacted, so let’s please keep an eye on the postal monitor and hoping that our fellow postcrossers from both countries won’t be affected more than just missing some postcards. :white_heart:


A post was merged into an existing topic: :postcard: Mail Suspension Alerts

I for one think it awful that anyone person is being attacked for the country they live in. I hope you are well. Keep postcrossing. :slight_smile: Take care.


I was very sad to read some of the posts here. I woke up today and found out that the war had begun. I didn’t want this. Nobody around me wanted this. But it happened. I cried today when I saw a video of people fleeing Kiev. It wasn’t the Russian people who started this war, but the government. Russian and Ukrainian peoples have always been friendly. Conflicts between heads of state shouldn’t spoil relations between ordinary people.

Now Ukrainians are unlikely to answer you to answer about their mail. Wait a few days, I think after a while the situation will soften (I really hope :sweat:) and the Ukrainian Post will find a way to deliver postcards to their owners. It would be a great gesture of friendship between peoples.

I wish the Ukrainian people and everyone who suffers from this war to find a good shelter and survive this horror :ukraine: :ru:


Since internal postal routes in most of countries are open, how about sending postcards appealing for peace to local Russian diplomatic corps, and cards providing support to local Ukrainian ones? That can be a signature action of postcrossers and/or the postcrossing project.


Yes, it really works today for me.

I sent a pm to my Ukrainian friend, and just got a reply.
Sending pm is also nice.


Be careful posting on this thread. 2 weeks ago I also asked if mail to Ukraine would be disrupted by conflict and received harrassment. To make it stop I asked admins to delete my question. If anyone receives harrassing messages, report them to admins.


:smiling_face_with_tear:I don’t know what should I say about it.

For your information!
Russian Post (Почта России) temporarily stopped accepting shipments to Ukraine.
Here’s the link:

Postcrossers worldwide say NO TO THE WAR!


I’ve been checking for service alerts all morning and coaching my employees at our postal counter about what to say if customers ask if they can send mail to Ukraine or Russia. I don’t see any service alerts for either country yet. I’ll happily send my postcards off to either country unless USPS stops letting me.

I hope all the Postcrossers in both countries are safe. I just got a lovely official postcard from Ukraine a few days ago from someone in Kyiv. I hope she’s okay.


I’ve moved a few of the recent posts that were not about mail delivery in Ukraine (but more about the situation there) to this topic.

Feel free to continue the discussion there, and let’s keep this topic focused on mail delivery.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Ukraine and Russia

We will probably get updates from our postcrossing friends about sending and/or receiving mail.

If I draw a name from any region in conflict and mail is suspended I will save your card until the time is right.


hello, I’m from ukraine and we were told to stay in our homes. I don’t think postmen will deliver postcards at the risk of their lives. I don’t know, the site says that the mail is working, but I’m sure the delivery of postcards will not be completed.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine and Russia

Greetings from Ukraine!
Since today morning, all air activity is canceled so we think that airmail is canceled too. What about another postmail - we don’t know exactly, because for now our main goal is to survive. The evacuation of people in some cities is gaining momentum, people are forced to leave their flats, animals, so… sorry, it is so hard to write something now…
I already designed few postcards and hope that oneday I will be able to send them.
Stay safe and healthy! :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

p.s.: for sending postcards we were used Ukrposhta in general and I checked that Ukrposhta post offices will be closed from 24 February to better time - it’s true, yes.


Mail to Ukraine part Crimea (occupied) via Russia is still possible.

Everyone involved
Much Love Peace and Harmony.


Slovenian Post still maintains mail exchange with Ukraine, but warns about delays.

However, this has to be taken with precautions.