British Isles Chain Lottery

@CountryWoman is the winner of my lottery! Congratulations :partying_face:


Congrats @CountryWoman and thanks @MartynHst43277 for a great prize - I thought i had entered but can see now I didn’t, not sure how i missed that! :see_no_evil:

Everybody’s prizes have been so generous, but please future hosts, don’t feel you have to offer multiple cards, you can offer any prize you like, I’d hate people to be put off by feeling pressure to offer huge prizes! :heart:


I can’t believe I won a second time - maybe I should go and buy a lottery ticket :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Thank you for the lovely prize @MartynHst43277.


Congratulations @CountryWoman you must be on a lucky streak! :four_leaf_clover:

#1 @EmmaG

Lovely flower stickers, thank you for the lottery x

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Ooh i love stickers! Thank you for the offer! :hibiscus:

#2 @jobloggs

#3 @Natea

Congrats @CountryWoman on your second win!! And thanks for offering up the stickers, theyre gorgeous

#4 @CEBooth

Congratulations on your win, Fi, and thank you for the new lottery!

#5 @MoominMog

Absolutely love stickers, thanks for a great giveaway :heart_eyes:

Thank you @MartynHst43277 my cards have arrived safely. They are even nicer in the flesh than in the picture.


Awww so glad , enjoy them so glad to share them out :slight_smile:

#6 @MartynHst43277 i love stickers thanks for the generous offer !

#7 @claireandivy

Very pretty stickers, thanks for your offer! :heart_eyes:

#8 @Yorkshire_Lad

Love the stickers.

@postbot roll 1d8

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Has the postbot gone on strike? :thinking:

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Perhaps it’s taken the day off for the king’s official birthday :thinking: x


I was hoping it might suddenly decide to work.

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Let me do a test roll and see if its working now

@postbot roll 1d57

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:game_die: 37


@postbot roll 1d8