British Isles Chain Lottery

#3 @jobloggs This is a lovely prize, i really like that set and I’ve pretty much sent all mine out now! You don’t need to offer 6 cards, @EmmaEirene was super generous but hosts can offer anything - 1 card, even not a card, e.g. washi tapes or something else! Thank you for your generosity :blush:


#4 @chrisbonham11

A grand prize, @CountryWoman !

#5 @claireandivy

Beautiful cards! And welcome to the forum @CountryWoman :smiley:

#6 @MoominMog

I love this set, bought it when I first started Postcrossing and sent them all out, lovely cards!!! :heart_eyes:

#7 @CEBooth

Welcome to postcrossing and to the forum, Fi @CountryWoman! Thank you for your lovely lottery!

Gorgeous set of cards Fi. Your prize is in the post :email:
Thank you @CountryWoman

#9 @MartynHst43277

Great postcards @CountryWoman

10 @BriJN

Thank you for such a nice lottery, and welcome!

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@EmmaEirene I’ve received my Jersey cards - these are gorgeous, thank you so much.


@postbot roll 1d10

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:game_die: 9

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@MartynHst43277 is the winner of my lottery for coastal postcards. Congratulations :clap: :tada:.

Please send me your address and then set up a new lottery by editing the first post on this thread.


Congratulations Martyn :partying_face: & thank you @CountryWoman Fi for the great lottery x


#1 these look great, thanks Martyn

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#2 @CEBooth Thank you for the lottery Martyn!

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#3 @chrisbonham11

Another grand prize: thank you @MartynHst43277 !


I just love them so much so I buy them whenever I see any, so always have a few spares !

#4. @Yorkshire_Lad

Rosalind J Wicks my favourite postcard designer.

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@postbot roll 1d4

:game_die: 1

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