British Isles Chain Lottery

Wow, what a great offer @EmmaEirene !

If written, I would like the Emergency Services set please; if blank then food and drink please as there are so many Postcrossers who love food cards! Both sets are great!! :heart:

#2 @jobloggs

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#3 @EmmaG

Very generous offer Emma! I’d love the emergency services cards with the kings cypher if I’m lucky enough to win please x

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#4 @MoominMog

Oh my goodness what beautiful sets of cards! If I win, I’d love the food set :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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#5 @tesc
A very generous and different offer - lovely to play. Food and drink if fortuitous x

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#6 @CEBooth

Thank you for the brilliant lottery! Food and drink for me, please.

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#7 @Yorkshire_Lad

If luckily enough to win I’d love the emergency services set, many thanks for your kind lottery.

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#8 @CountryWoman

Beautiful prizes. I’d like the emergency services set if I’m lucky enough to win

@postbot roll 1d8

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:game_die: 8

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Congratualtions @CountryWoman you have won this lottery :sparkles:
Very nice to meet you, and welcome to Postcrossing! Please could you message me your address so that I can send these cards to you.

When you ready to host your lottery gift, please edit the top post, deleting mine :slight_smile:

Best wishes, Emma.


Thank you so much Emma. I’m thrilled with these, and only just started post crossing, so it’s a big boost for me. I’m away visiting relatives at the moment so it’ll take me a few days to sort out the next prize, but I will be back shortly with that.


Welcome @CountryWoman and congratulations! :hugs:


Perfect timing @CountryWoman
Enjoy your visit Fi, and we look forward to seeing you more :star_struck:


Welcome to the group @CountryWoman and congratulations on your win on the lottery.


Welcome to the forum @CountryWoman and congrats on winning the chain lottery! I hope you’re enjoying yourself here… we’ve got loads going on and everyone is really kind. There are loads of tags and a round robin for written cards and we have a card swap envelope thread called BITE where you can trade unwritten cards and diversify your collection. (I host this so am not at all biased about it lol).


Welcome to Postcrossing :wave:t3: it’s always nice to see someone new join the BI Forum, and congratulations on your win :partying_face: x


Welcome to Postcrossing @CountryWoman :beers::clinking_glasses:


Thanks for the welcome, everyone. I’ve edited the top post to add my prize. I hope you like them - I’m sorry I don’t have anything more unusual to offer at the moment.


They’re really pretty cards @countrywoman thank you for the lottery

#1 @natea

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#2 @EmmaG

They’re great cards! I’d love to win them. :blush: (You really didn’t need to give away so many!) x