British Isles Chain Lottery

:game_die: 1

We have a winner! (Finally).

Congratulations @EmmaG . Please send me your address, and then you can set up your own lottery by editing the first post.


Eeek! Thanks so much :blush: I’ll message you now & think about what I can offer tomorrow, I didn’t expect to win! :blush::blush::blush: x

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:rotating_light: NEW LOTTERY ALERT :rotating_light:

I was lucky enough to win @CountryWoman’s beautiful flower sticker lottery…

So I have now set up my own Thunderbirds Lenticular Stamps lottery, please see the first post in the thread :arrow_up: for more photos & details of how to enter!

Good Luck! :four_leaf_clover: x


#1 @chrisbonham11

Thank you, @EmmaG ! I was a big fan of Thunderbirds as a kid, and found myself streaming a couple of episodes recently for old times sake.

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#2 @jobloggs

Congrats Emma and thank you for a fabulous prize!

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#3 @MoominMog

Wow @EmmaG thank you so much for an amazing prize! So generous!!

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#4 @CEBooth

Thank you for a wonderful lottery, Emma!

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#5 @geo_

Oh wow, these are fantastic :star_struck: thank you so much Emma!

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#6 @Natea

These are gorgeous! Thank you for putting up such a fab prize xx

Thanks everyone for taking part :blush:

@postbot roll 1d6

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @postbot display help.

@postbot roll 1d6

:game_die: 4

and the winner is :drum::drum::drum:@CEBooth

Congratulations Charles, I’ll get those sent out to you ASAP :postbox:

You can now host your own lottery by editing the first post x


Wow, amazing, thank you so much. I’ll get onto it ASAP! THANK YOU!


Wow, very generous lottery @CEBooth fab cards & I love the jigsaw, thank you x

#1 @EmmaG

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#2 @chrisbonham11

Many thanks, @CEBooth !

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Wow @CEBooth that’s exceptionally generous! :hugs:

#3 @jobloggs

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Amazing lottery @CEBooth thank you so much

#4 @Natea

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