Bristol meet-up - Saturday 18th May 2024

Not long at all now till our meet! :partying_face:

As the weather looks a bit changeable, Iā€™ve asked Charles for a suitable inside meeting place, there is a shop just inside the entrance to the SS Great Britain, so letā€™s meet just in front of the shop at 11am :hugs:

For those who wish to just meet for lunch and the card signing, weā€™ll see you at the Harbourside Kitchen at 1pm, just a reminder that I wasnā€™t able to book a table but hopefully we should be okay!

Looking forward to seeing you all there! :heart:


Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday :hugs:


Yay, really glad you can make it! :grin:

This time tomorrow weā€™ll be on board the SS Great Britain :ship: !

For those who are driving, this car park is just next to the ship.

Itā€™s Ā£12.50 for 5 hours but when visiting the ship (for those coming aboard) you can get it reduced down to Ā£5. Pay the full amount when you arrive and then get it reduced while at the attraction :slightly_smiling_face:

However a couple of things to note:

You canā€™t pay at the car park with card or notes - only coins, or you can use the RingGo app to pay by card.

Thereā€™s a maximum of 5 hours parking, should be fine for the meet but if you are planning to arrive early or stay late, please take that into account!

Also if youā€™re driving, please donā€™t forget to check if you need to pay to enter the Ultra Low Emission Zone

Looking forward to it! :partying_face:


So sad I canā€™t make your meet up (exam on Wednesday so I shall be boring and cramming the entire textbook into my brain!!!), have a wonderful time all :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hope you all have a lovely time and sorry I canā€™t be there. If anyone has a spare meetup card Iā€™d love to have one and would be happy to send something in return !


Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll send you one @simmo11 :grin: - are you at the same address?

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I have about 30 spare cards for tomorrowā€™s meet if anyone wants to buy more :blush:

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The weather forecast isnā€™t great, so please remember to bring waterproofs and something to protect your precious cards!

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I might be in the queue! Thank you!

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Good thinking @CEBooth - it looks like rain from lunchtime! :umbrella:

For those who havenā€™t met me before, Iā€™ll be wearing black jeans and a long sleeved black and white flowery top. I have shoulder length brown hair!

See you at 11 in front of the gift shop just inside the entrance to SS Great Britain: @JennyAssis @anon59326037 @chrisbonham11 @moonraker_girl @Maddymail @Potatosium

@Wiltshiresaint - are you still joining us? :slightly_smiling_face:

See you at 1 at Harbourside Kitchen: @CEBooth and @Tiggywee

Safe travels everyone! :blush:


Iā€™m en route to Bristol. My coach from Reading was early departing! Not sure how a westbound M4 closure in the Reading area might affect timings though, as weā€™re currently taking a scenic route through some villagesā€¦

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Oh joy! Hoping for a smooth rest of the journey for you! If youā€™re going to be late, donā€™t stress, just update us please :blush:

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Ah bugger, I may be a bit late on that note! :unamused:

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Iā€™m just waiting for my train at Chippenham Railway Station - see you soon!


Currently between Swindon and Chippenham on the M4. The Flixbus coach has been trundling along for the past hour or so with a warning light and buzzer indicating a critical level of soot in the exhaust which needs urgent workshop attention.

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Safe travels @Maddymail @moonraker_girl !

Oh no @chrisbonham11 - guessing you might not arrive for 11 then!!!

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Still moving, currently between Chippenham and Bath. I doubt Iā€™ll make 11:00 at this rate, hence please head onto the ship without me.