Bristol meet-up - Saturday 18th May 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Bristol
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: SS Great Britain, BS1 6TY
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 18th May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00am
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: 11.00am meet-up to explore Brunel’s SS Great Britain then lunch and postcard stamping/signing around 1.00pm

Hi everyone!

I recently ran a little poll on the British Isles forum for areas where people would like to see future meet-ups. The South West came first with the West Midlands closely behind. I thought Bristol therefore might be a good place to meet up, as it’s well connected by road and public transport.

The plan is to meet up at 11am to visit Brunel’s SS Great Britain (Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Road, Bristol BS1 6TY). This is a museum on board Brunel’s restored 1843 passenger liner with tours below deck & views of the propeller.

Please see if you’d like to learn more and to buy tickets! Adults are £22 and children £13.50 - a ticket gives you free unlimited return visits for 1 year!

Following our visit, we can have lunch and signing/stamping of the official meet-up card next door at the Harbourside Kitchen

The dock area is well connected by road and rail - there is a waterbus from the main train station Temple Meads.

If like me you are driving, please be aware the attraction is within a ULEZ zone so please check out if you will need to pay a fee (I don’t for my car, so it’s certainly not a charge everyone will have to pay, but please do check!)

2 big thank yous from me:

I’ve never been to Bristol so have been very grateful for huge amounts of local knowledge and suggestions from @CEBooth - and we may still have more questions for him before the meet!

Secondly thank you to @JennyAssis for creating the official meet-up card - thank you Jenny!!

It would be great to see people at this meet-up! If you have any questions or concerns e.g. dietary requirements, accessibility queries etc, please post on here or PM me! :hugs:


@jobloggs - 20 cards
@CEBooth - signing only - 20 cards
@JennyAssis - 20 cards
@anon59326037 - 10 cards
@chrisbonham11 - 10 cards
@moonraker_girl - 15 cards
@SashaUA17 - 15 cards
@Maddymail - provisional :crossed_fingers: - 5 cards
@Potatosium - 20 cards
@EDC83 - signing only - 5 cards
@Tiggywee - signing only - 20 cards

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Thank you for organising this, @jobloggs ! Could you pop my name on the list, please?

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Absolutely Chris - it will be brilliant to meet you at last! :grin:

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Please add my son @anon59326037 :blush:

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Can you pencil me in please!


Absolutely Jenny, I didn’t want to assume but it’ll be great to see him again!

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Yay! I did think it would be a good location for our Postcrossers in South Wales!


Please put me down as it’s very feasible by public transport for me. I really enjoyed my 1st meet-up at Cardiff Castle :blush:

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@SashaUA17 @charzevans @seaview @ollomol @Binnington @JustJo @Maddymail @TinyMouse
let’s go!


That’s great, I’ve added you! You were down the other end of the table from me in Cardiff so hopefully we’ll get more chance to chat in Bristol! :hugs:

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Put me down, please + 15 postcards. Thank you!

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Great @SashaUA17 :hugs:

May I be added to the Provisional list please? :blush:


Of course, it would be brilliant if you can come! :grin:

Hey everyone!

I’m interested in attending but I’m not sure what actually goes on at a meet up?! What’s the stamping/signing all about for example?

After a few years of inactivity I’m really feeling like I want to belong to a wider community again but it’s a bit of a trek from Wiltshire so just want to find out a little bit more.



A meetup is a fun social event where we get to meet in person with people we previously only knew through writing postcards or online.
At each meetup, there is a “meetup card” made, which is a postcard commemorating the meetup event. Each member in attendance signs their username on the card but some people have ink stampers or stickers so they can avoid handwriting their username many times. It’s a bit like attending a play and then asking each member of the cast to autograph the playbill.
Besides signing postcards, there is usually friendly discussion, sometimes another activity such as a little game or visiting something. Many things can be incorporated into the meetup but the important parts are meeting with postcrossing friends in real life.


Thank you, sounds fun! I’m in!


Thank you @Angelthepup22 for this brilliant summary!

On this meet-up, we’ll get together around 11am and have a look round Brunel’s SS Great Britain then have lunch at the cafe and sign the meet-up card - each meet-up has a card especially designed, attendees can choose to purchase a number and then everybody signs / ink stamps everyone else’s cards - many Postcrossers have on their profile that they collect these cards and like to receive them!

Plus lots of friendly chatter with like-minded postcard lovers!

Sometimes people just attend the lunch and signing and not the activity.



I’m bot going to be able to come but hope you have a fab time. Bristol is a great city, I used to work just round the corner from the meetup location. :blush: