Bristol meet-up - Saturday 18th May 2024

Somebody will swap

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Hello again, Rhiannon,. Iā€™ve checked the date and realised I have promised to take my daughter to the Dollsā€™ House Festival that day, so I wonā€™t be able to make it after all. Thank you for organising this and I hope it goes really well! Elisabeth

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Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful card.
My offers:

Have fun at the meetup and thank you in advance.

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Unfortunately Iā€™m not going to be able to make it, sorry!

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Hi, could I please have 20 postcards @jobloggs ?

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Hi Elisabeth

Thatā€™s a shame as it would be great to meet you but Iā€™m sure we will in the future! Enjoy the Dollsā€™ House Festival! :heart:

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Thatā€™s a shame Claire but thanks for letting us know!

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Certainly! :blush:

Iā€™ve just booked a Flixbus coach to and from Bristol, which will get me into Bristol half an hour before the Meet-up start time. Cheaper than the train!


Less likely to go on strike as well @chrisbonham11 !!

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Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

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Hi everyone, we are now just 3 weeks from our meet!!! :hugs:

Last shout for anyone who wants to buy meet-up cards as Iā€™ll be ordering them this week!


Hi all, i tried to book a table at Harbourside Kitchen but they donā€™t take bookings! Is it best to book somewhere else so we have a table or turn up and see?

@CEBooth or anyone else local - is the Harbourside Kitchen big? Lots of tables and chairs?

Yes, but at least half the seats are outside so rain would be a problem. There is another cafe inside the complex but smaller

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Hmm, do you think we should change it to somewhere we can book?

Not sure there is anything bookable close by ā€¦ I think I would risk it. The complex cafe and indoors at this one are probably big enough together if it is pouring down


Excellent, weā€™ll make it work! Thanks Charles!

Hi all, just 1 week now till our meet! :partying_face:

The wonderful cards designed by @JennyAssis have arrived!

They are 20p each, if you would like to bring money on the day, that is of course fine! Equally if you would prefer to pay in advance so itā€™s done or so you donā€™t have to bring cash, please let me know and I can send you my PayPal or bank details.

I have some spare if anyone would like any extras too.

Looking forward to it! :hugs:


Dear Rhiannon - please could you PM me bank details and I will transfer you the Ā£Ā£ for the meet-up cards for Saturday. Thank you very much!


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