Bristol meet-up - Saturday 18th May 2024

Sorry to hear about your difficult journey, Chris. See you later.


Thank you, Charles.

Off the M4. Onto the M32 into Bristol. Not far now.

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Hi, I have just taken my daughter to work and my car cut out on the way back and won’t start at all. I have called RAC but they have told me it will be at least 2-3 hours before they can get someone out to me so doesn’t look like I will be able to make it today :frowning: Disappointed as I was really looking forward to it…

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Oh no! Sorry Kaye! Take care at the roadside.


So sorry, I forgot to cancel - it’s my daughter’s 13th birthday today and I have to help herd nine of her friends for her party. Have fun everyone, hopefully I can make the next meet!


Oh dear, nobody is having an easy journey!!! @chrisbonham11 if you think you’ll be not long after 11, happy to wait?


Oh dear, i hope it’s not as long as that and not too expensive!!

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I’m off the coach. Walking to the ship now. Shouldn’t be too long after 11:00.


Great stuff! I’ve just arrived and standing outside the shop!


I sadly going to be about an hour late, I’ll catch you all up in the ship, :blush: see you all soon


Outside the shop before you buy tickets or after…?

Waiting for the ferry across the harbour.


Hope you all have a brilliant time at this meetup today!


Would it be possible to get my cards I ordered signed/stamped for me today and sent to me? Don’t worry if not… I will need details to pay for them and postage of course :slight_smile:

Hiya, I’ve sent you a message! I’ve got them all stamped for you and can send you them! Do you want to reply to my message and let me know if you prefer bank details or PayPal and please send me your address :slightly_smiling_face:

The RAC have rescued you now, haven’t they?

Lovely to meet everyone today! I had a wonderful time. Thank you to @jobloggs for organising the day and to @JennyAssis for the cards, Commiserations to those intending to come but who were prevented.


Just wanted to jump on the bandwagon of thanking @jobloggs, @JennyAssis, and @CEBooth for your input for the meet up.

I’m really enjoying coming along to the meet ups and doing things I probably wouldn’t feel brave enough to otherwise!

This was a really nice meet up, thanks everyone! x

Looking forward to the next one!


Thank you everyone for an absolutely lovely day, so nice to see friends again, and meet new ones! :hugs: Such a lovely group of people :heart: Thanks again to @CEBooth for your local knowledge and just being super helpful! And @JennyAssis as always for a smashing card! :hugs: Thank you to all of you that travelled so far to get together :gift_heart: I’m already looking forward to York in July!

Here we all are enjoying lunch!


I understand how much effort goes into organizing a meetup, so thank you, @jobloggs, for making it happen. It’s always heartwarming to meet new postcrossers and reunite with old friends!