[BITE] British Isles Traveling Envelope

Hi all, please can I join BITE 96 - a megabyte sounds fun!


Bite 91 has arrived safely in Suffolk from @EmmaG


Bite 91 will be on its way again tomorrow to @chrisbonham11


BITE 91 has not reached me yetā€¦ Iā€™ve had no post for a week now :frowning_face:

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Iā€™m in the same boat at Chris, no post for a week!!

Hopefully BITE 93 will arrive tomorrow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Other items that went in that batch - same post box & time - have subsequently been delivered so they should be closeā€¦

Might be a issue in the whole RG* postcode area then?! There wasnā€™t anything waiting for me when I got back from Portsmouth yesterday.

My fingers are crossed! :crossed_fingers:

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Maybe?! Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s more or less reassuring :joy::smiling_face_with_tear:

Please could I join BITE 96 - Megabyte 2.0 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No BITE today, but I did get some other post.


BITE 93 finally arrived today from @jobloggs
Iā€™ll get the cards swapped and sent home to @Natea by tomorrow morning :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve received a BITE from @tesc today, but Iā€™m a little confused as to which it is!

  • The flight sheet says that it is BITE 91 - Any Nice Card
  • The post-it on the BITE packet of postcards says that it is BITE 94 (no BITE name noted)

Then I note that Iā€™m probably contributing to my own / othersā€™ confusion with this post of mine from last week:

Iā€™m leaning towards it being BITE 94 - Any Nice Card. I note that 91 has been completed.

Either way, I will make my swaps this evening and get it on its way home to @jobloggs with tomorrowā€™s post.


I hosted BITE 94 so my guess is itā€™s BITE 94 but the flight sheet said 91 and i didnā€™t notice - apologies


I didnā€™t even notice lol
Glad it arrived safely anyway

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Sorry, Iā€™ve probably sent out the wrong BITE number on the flight sheet!! Apologies.

At least its finally arrived safely! Iā€™ll mark it on the tracker and hopefully itā€™ll be another successfully finished BITE soon


No post last week and patchy post this week for me hasnā€™t helped with my keeping track of things!

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Could I be removed from BITE 96 & 97 for now?

Iā€™m going to be moving house in the next few weeks, and I think it will be complicated with timings and the address. also postcards etc will be packed away!


Keep meaning to ask, so I will before I forget again, would anyone be interested in doing a Maxicard BITE? (Including maxicards not from the British Isles) Would that be ok @Natea? Iā€™d be happy to host if it was.

Thank you :blush: x


Sorry but I will have to drop out of Bite97, not well at the moment. Will rejoin if it is still open when I am a bit better.