[BITE] British Isles Traveling Envelope

No problem at all XX

Whenever you’re ready to return to it just let me know your new address! and good luck with the move

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Hope you feel better soon @eri9 and no problem at all.

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I’m happy to put it up if anyone is interested in taking part.


BITE 94 has returned home to me and for the first time I haven’t received any of my original cards back - 10 lovely new cards for me! :heart: Thanks so much for participating @Natea @EmmaG @tesc and @chrisbonham11 :hugs:


Thank you :smiling_face: x

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Please can I join BITE 98? I’m waiting on a maxicard delivery so hopefully it arrives ASAP :rofl::purple_heart:


Can i join 98 as well please?


Please can I join BITE 97 illustrations? :crayon:

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Hello @Natea :raising_hand_woman:
Please may I join my first BITE - 95 Flowers :cherry_blossom:
I think I understand the rules. How much is the postage normally (just so that I am ready :sunglasses:). I think you have my address.


Welcome to the BI BITE, you’re braver than me it took me ages to join my first one. It’s usually £2.40 to send 2nd class but it’s probably worth weighing it to double check x


Thanks @EmmaG - I will give anything a go :slightly_smiling_face: x


:hibiscus: UPDATE :hibiscus:

@JamCrackers you’ll be happy to hear that BITE 93 made it safely back home yesterday. Not too sure where on earth it had got to but it made it eventually. All 10 cards swapped out and some really gorgeous ones given in return, thank you to @chrisbonham11 @tesc @jobloggs and @JamCrackers for taking part!

And with that arriving home we have no BITES in flight :frowning: I’m going to organise the MegaBITE and get that off tomorrow so if there are any last minute people wanting to sign up, now is the time to do it!

Also, as a pick me up for this time of year/welcome to the Spring/just because it feels like a good time to do it, I’m going to do another giveaway at the end of this month. Everyone who takes part in a BITE during March will be eligible and I have two envelopes of cards and goodies to send out to the winners.

Finally, welcome to @EmmaEirene I hope you enjoy it on the BITE! The postage we use is ‘large letter’ and we tend to go for £2.40 for second class or £2.70 for first. There is a cheaper option available but it’s only if your envelope weighs less than 100g, which it usually doesn’t for the BITES.


Thanks @Natea for the giveaway- exciting!

We only need 1 more person each for British viewcards and worldwide Maxi cards, anyone want to join in? :grin:

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:partying_face: a BIG Happy Birthday to our BI BITE host @Natea :partying_face: hope you have a wonderful day x

P.s. thank you for the giveaway :blush:


I was beginning to worry :grimacing::sweat_smile: I think there has been some local issues my end around the time I posted it. I’m glad it finally arrived to you! Thank you for organising it! :smiling_face::smiling_face:

If it’s not too late, can I rejoin the MegaBITE? I’m moving today, so by the time it arrives with me I should be all unpacked in the new house :crossed_fingers::sweat_smile:
I’ll get my new addres sent to now

Also!! happy birthday!!:balloon::birthday:


Can I please join Bite 96 megabyte if I’m in time ? Tracy


I am happy to join British Viewcards, I have some in my stash now I could trade! I haven’t really got enough to host though, as I can see that is the last slot, would anyone else want to do that?


Happy Birthday @Natea !!! :birthday: :cake: :balloon:


I’m happy to host this! :hugs:


BITE 84 is packaged up ready to start its journey to @tesc tomorrow!