3 June 2023 - Metro Atlanta Meetup

Hi all! I don’t think I will make it down, but I hope you all have a fantastic time! :love_letter::love_letter:

I’m winging it as this is our first meetup. :slight_smile: You are welcome to hang out for as long as you’d like! The longer you stay, the more signatures your cards will have. Don’t forget there will be a swap table, and we are in a huge arts & crafts store, so you can go on a shopping spree in between the comings & goings.


I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow!


The colors! You did a beautiful job, Lindsay!

Great job! I can’t wait either!

The Atlanta-themed washi!! Hahaha I love that!

I can’t wait to meet all of you! Thank you @mermaid77 for organizing this!


This looks absolutely amazing!

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That’s such a gorgeous postcard! I cannot wait to see it in person! See y’all tomorrow. :heartpulse:

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That’s beautiful! :heart_eyes:

This is such an amazing postcard! So sad I’ll be missing out on this meetup and this great card!

I’m sorry to say I won’t make it today. The person watching my kids is sick. I hope everyone has fun and I’ll make the next one

I’ll be there!

Ashley, did you make it home safely?

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I did! Thanks for checking. :heartpulse: I got in late because I stopped for dinner.


Hello Georgia postcrossers! I’m not sure if anyone will check this thread, because the meetup already happened (thanks again to the organizers!) BUT I finally found somewhere that sells a variety of Georgia postcards: the CVS in Ponce in Atlanta! So if any of y’all find yourselves in the city, highly recommend you check it out. ;D


I’m checking, Elliot! Hopefully we’ll be needing the thread again next summer.:wink: Thanks for the lead on Georgia postcards. Way more convenient than waiting to go to the airport or hoping someone posts a batch on Ebay. I hope your week is off to a great start!

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Hey y’all, Ashley from East TN here! I wanted to let y’all know that I’m hosting a meetup in Oak Ridge in case anyone wanted to make a trip up this way. I just put in an order for the postcards. :heartpulse:

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hi there. so i am traveling around the states and will be in oct 29-nov 11. would anyone be interested in a meet up around that time? i would need help planning since i am not from there and also have horrible design skills for a meet up card. also open to a casual brunch meet up or something. let me know if anyone might be around then and want to get together. :slight_smile:


@Lyndzfrog is from the Atlanta area and is amazing with card designs. I don’t know if I could make it down for that one, but I could help message people who are if y’all decide to hold one. :heartpulse: