26th August, 2023 - Secret City Meet Up - East Tennessee

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oak Ridge Tennessee / East Tennessee
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Oak Ridge Public Library, small meeting room
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, August 26, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2-4 pm eastern standard time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello fellow Postcrossers! We will meet in the small meeting room in the public library (1401 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge Tennessee).

Please RSVP by commenting below! I’ve been advised that the max number in that room is 20-25. If we have more than that interested, I will need to know in enough time to rent the larger auditorium area!

During this meetup we will take the time to get to know each other and sign cards. I’m working on a meetup card using some digitized vintage photographs (with permission from the public library archives). I’m not sure how much they will cost as I need to do some research on printing - if you have input for a local print shop I’d love to hear it!

Ideas on what to bring:

~Address book or lists of the addresses that you would like to send cards to.
~Postcards, stickers, washi tapes, or other items that you’d like to share, give away or trade.
~Items from your postcard collection, stamps, etc that you would like to show & tell.
~Only drinks with lids please! (They just got new carpeting and want to avoid spills.)


  1. MissKayeIdaho -10
  2. thetinylibrarian - 20 cards
  3. hjbcats - 20 cards
  4. SecretCityGrl - 20 cards
  5. brandy_lynn - 10 cards
  6. Beachyblonde -20 cards
  7. Lyndzforg - 10 cards
  8. TravelerMel - 20 each
  9. DerbyGirl13 - 10 each
  10. Friend of brandy_lynn - ?

188/200 claimed

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Hi all! I have two card designs and have ordered 100 copies of each. I’m asking for 50 cents per card to cover printing/shipping costs. I’m gifting 2 to anyone who comes in addition to the ones that you buy. Message me if you have any questions!

Card A -100 total

Card B -100 total



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I will try to make it! It looks like it’s about an hour and a half from me!


I’m really hoping to make it!!! My parents might be visiting that weekend. If they do not, I’LL BE THERE! I would LOVE to join. Thank you so much for hosting this!! I’ll buy a bunch of the custom postcards if I’m able to come!


I’m possibly coming from Indiana. Is that ok?


I will be there! So exciting!! :revolving_hearts:


Of course! If you can make it we’d love to have you. :heartpulse:

Awesome, thank you! It’s about 5 hours away from me, but I love to take small day trips, and Tennessee is my favorite state, so I’ll be coming. Plus it’s on the weekend.:heart_eyes:

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I’m excited to have you come. :heartpulse:

With permission from the public library and their archives of Ed Westcott’s photography, I designed and ordered some vintage photography cards for the meetup!

:heartpulse: I’m willing to gift 2 per person who comes and if you want more I think fifty cents per postcard will cover the cost of printing/shipping. I should be getting them in a week or so! Invite others if you know anyone else who is in the area and does Postcrossing.


I love these so much!! I’ll buy 20 if possible. If that is too many let me know!

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Put me down for the event. Can’t wait.

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I cannot even believe that I lived in East TN for 17 years and never knew about postcrossing til TikTok. I would have loved to meet up with y’all if I was still living in Oak Ridge on California Avenue. :0(


Hi! I would love to be part of your meetup! It will be my first one! Also, could you put me down for 10 postcards? Nice job, btw! See ya soon!

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Come on over and sit a spell! :wink:

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I’m so excited, because there is also a Manhattan Project National Park in Oak Ridge, so I’m making a whole weekend out of it! I have no Friday classes in college, so I’m super happy to come! :blush::blush::blush:


I forgot to post that I’m coming! It’s marked on my calendar!

I would love 20 cards!


I would love to try and make it. I will know closer to the time but count me in. So excited and thanks for the invite!

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Would like to buy 20 if possible.

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You did a wonderful job!!

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