26th August, 2023 - Secret City Meet Up - East Tennessee

Thank you! :heartpulse:

Hi @MissKayeIdaho My parents are going to come visit that weekend, so I can’t come :frowning:

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Send me a message with your mailing address and I will send you one of the signed postcards. :heartpulse:

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Oh yay! I’ll be in East Tennessee that weekend (going to see the Oak Ridge Boys in Pigeon Forge!) - please count me in!


Sad to miss it! I’m in Knoxville on the 23/24, but leave on the 25th! Have fun!!

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Amazing cards! I would love to swap.

My offers:


I will be attending! I’ll take 20 post cards. (10 of each)

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Thank you! May I have 20 of Card B? See you Saturday

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Hey there! What are you willing to swap for one or both? They are beautiful, PLUS I have cousins from Nova Scotia!

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If you want I can send you a meetup card! Message me if you want to swap. :heartpulse:

I‘d love to come to your meetup, but living 2 states away in Greenville, SC … it’s a 3h drive. I would still consider making the trip. How many people do you think will attend?

There are ten RSVP’D right now.

I am so sorry, but I decided not to make the trip after all. I wish you a great meetup! I like your postcard-design. In case there are any left, I would be interested in 10 or so. Just let me know how to pay.

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Hey everyone! I’m so excited to meet/see some of y’all again!

When you get to the library and go in the front door, you’ll turn to your right then go past the front desk. In the back side of the library is a glassed in meeting room - that’s where we’ll be! Feel free to bring drinks with lids or a small snack with you. Message me if you have any questions and I’ll help you find us!

See you at 2pm. :heartpulse:


Thank you everyone who was able to make it to the meetup! Maybe I’ll host another in 6+ months. I hope everyone has gotten home safely. :heartpulse: Happy Postcrossing!


Thank you @MissKayeIdaho for hosting such a fun meetup! You did an excellent job on the cards and the meeting!


Hello :wave:t2:

If there’s any remaining postcards (card A), from people who are willing to swap, I would be happy to offer that meet-up postcard of the meet-up in Mulhouse (France :fr:, Nov 4th)


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Hi! I might have an extra that wasn’t signed by attendees. If I do, would you be okay with one like that?

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I’m totally okay, I send you a PM

Nice to see some familiar faces. Wish I could be there. I will hopefully meet you all next time I visit my aunt. She will på 90, 2025 :grinning: