24 August 2024- Syracuse, NY Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Syracuse, New York, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY
:calendar: DATE: 24 August 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10am-2pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hello! I will be hosting a meetup in Syracuse NY this August. It will be in the community room at May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church from 10a-2p. You are welcome to come at ten but will be setting up starting then as it’s the earliest time I can get into the space. After the formal meetup I will be attending The Great New York State Fair, feel free to join me there if you wish! There will be two card designs available; a new illustrated state fair themed card done by the lovely Lia Parks and a photographic state fair card as well. Feel free to bring a username stamp or your favorite pen to sign cards with. I will provide some light snacks. Please comment if you’re interested in attending, this room should have more than enough space to accommodate plenty of people. I will tag you on the post when if you’re going or a maybe!

Here’s some info on the fair for those wanting to attend with me after the formal meetup. I wanted to wait until they had prices available to add this to the post. Adult tickets are 8 dollars, for people under 12 or over 65 you get in for free. Parking in the fair owned lots (the orange or brown parking lots) is 12 dollars per car. All tickets and parking need to be purchased online ahead of time. There is also a small private lot across from the fair that tends to fill up quickly that is usually around ten dollars cash but sometimes has availability later in the day. The orange lot will be the most accessible to us as we are coming from Syracuse. There is Centro buses that can shuttle you from the orange lot or you can walk to the main gate, you can only walk from the brown lot if that is where you park. As a note the past couple years the orange and brown lots have been closed off pretty early (around 1-2 PM) due to amphitheater concerts that also use those lots, I will be keeping an eye on their social media throughout the day to see if they post anything about parking closing. If the parking is closed I would suggest using park and ride (park your car at a separate location and take a Centro bus to the fair). The information for these has not been posted yet but the park and ride sites are typically at Destiny USA, Longbranch Park and the JMA Wireless Dome. I am unsure of the prices and exact locations for park and ride at this time but I will update this when it is available. The fair will be open until 11PM but majority of the buildings close at 10. If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them!


  1. Myself
  2. ((Personal))
  3. Lia Parks (liaparks_paints on Instagram)
  4. @clabeff
  5. postcard_hallow (Instagram)
  6. @logicoverflow
  7. @BeckyS +1
  8. @chocolate4ever
  9. @sarahaeyo
  10. @shelopolis
  11. @unicorn11
  12. @sealed4ever
  13. @kellymy
  14. @721sand
  15. postcrossingwithjessc (insta)


  1. @AnnieLondonderry
  2. @jeannor
  3. @ayellowdaffodil
  4. eleslie5 (Instagram)
  5. @Meberhardt
  6. @seadragon22
  7. @BlueElectric
  8. @suewrites

Update! The photo card is designed and ordered! I have definitely ordered way too many so no worries on numbers. The illustrated card is in the works and will hopefully be done and ordered within a couple weeks. I will include a photo of it in the comments below, don’t mind the quality it got super compressed because its a screenshot.

I figured I would add this too although it is an extreme circumstance I hope will not happen. Not to get too personal but I have to start a medication that severely decreases my immune system in a couple weeks. I have asked if I could put it off any further and it was not advised. On the extreme off chance I get sick before the meetup and cannot attend my mother and Lia will run the meetup in my stead and I may video call in. This is an extreme circumstance that I hope will not happen but I just wanted to throw it out there if worst comes to worst. The show must go on! I will update further when the illustrated design is done. Thank you all for reading!

Update 2: Illustrated card is done and ordered! There is an image of it in the comments :))


tagging those that were interested on my last post: @seadragon22 @BPLUM @AnnieLondonderry @julienned @shelopolis @721sand @jeannor @ayellowdaffodil @ralundy @breeze2902 @clabeff @logicoverflow

Would love to attend. Unfortunately I have a work commitment on that day. Ugh!

Perhaps the next one! Wishing a great time for all who attend.


not gonna lie, i am very tempted to make the trip from boston :see_no_evil:


I put it on my calendar, I like a state fair, we’ll see. @sarahaeyo I’m on your way, we could car pool.


Ill be there !

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I have to be “maybe.” Family birthday celebration date will determine my availability.

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I’m definitely still interested! I’d love to attend the state fair as well. I won’t have a definite answer until maybe closer to the date.

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Definitely sign me up. I’d love to tag along and go to the State Fair as well.

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Still interested! Keep me posted! Thanks

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I’m a probably/maybe… It’s not a work weekend, but I need to find some company to drive with.
Some of us Canadian postcrossers were looking at that weekend for a 1000 Islands Cruise… I’ll see who I can find!
Looking forward to finally catching you!!


I love to hear it! Hope to see you at this one :))

Definitely intererested! Put me on the maybe list. Thanks!!

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Hello! I have the weekend off. And it is less than 5 hours from me (Montreal) so i will be very interested in going. How do we order meet up cards?

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Hi! glad to hear you’re interested! I always provide my cards free of charge and print way too many, no need to order :))

Excellent i would definitely need about 20-30 meet up cards! I get it about having too many. I have organized many meet ups and i have the leftovers. My spouse and I got an airbnb right near the meet up so I’m all set! He will probably step out to go geocaching while I’m at the meet up. Is there something i can bring?

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Awesome to hear. There will definitely be more than enough cards. I’ll get back to you on bringing something as I’m not entirely sure what I’ll need at this point haha.

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Change my reply to YES please!
Tracey (unicorn 11) and I will be there!

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Yay! Just changed it, excited to see you there :))

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@sealed4ever a definite maybe - want to join in but cannot commit at this early date

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