24 August 2024- Syracuse, NY Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Syracuse, New York, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY
:calendar: DATE: 24 August 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10am-2pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hello! I will be hosting a meetup in Syracuse NY this August. It will be in the community room at May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church from 10a-2p. You are welcome to come at ten but will be setting up starting then as it’s the earliest time I can get into the space. After the formal meetup I will be attending The Great New York State Fair, feel free to join me there if you wish! There will be two card designs available; a new illustrated state fair themed card done by the lovely Lia Parks and a photographic state fair card as well. Feel free to bring a username stamp or your favorite pen to sign cards with. I will provide some light snacks. Please comment if you’re interested in attending, this room should have more than enough space to accommodate plenty of people. I will tag you on the post when if you’re going or a maybe!


  1. Myself
  2. ((Personal))
  3. Lia Parks (liaparks_paints on Instagram)
  4. @clabeff
  5. postcard_hallow (Instagram)
  6. @logicoverflow


  1. @sarahaeyo
  2. @AnnieLondonderry
  3. @jeannor
  4. @ayellowdaffodil
  5. @721sand
  6. @shelopolis
  7. eleslie5 (Instagram)
  8. postcrossingwithjessc (Instagram)

tagging those that were interested on my last post: @seadragon22 @BPLUM @AnnieLondonderry @julienned @shelopolis @721sand @jeannor @ayellowdaffodil @ralundy @breeze2902 @clabeff @logicoverflow

Would love to attend. Unfortunately I have a work commitment on that day. Ugh!

Perhaps the next one! Wishing a great time for all who attend.


not gonna lie, i am very tempted to make the trip from boston :see_no_evil:


I put it on my calendar, I like a state fair, we’ll see. @sarahaeyo I’m on your way, we could car pool.


Ill be there !

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I have to be “maybe.” Family birthday celebration date will determine my availability.

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I’m definitely still interested! I’d love to attend the state fair as well. I won’t have a definite answer until maybe closer to the date.

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Definitely sign me up. I’d love to tag along and go to the State Fair as well.

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Still interested! Keep me posted! Thanks

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I’m a probably/maybe… It’s not a work weekend, but I need to find some company to drive with.
Some of us Canadian postcrossers were looking at that weekend for a 1000 Islands Cruise… I’ll see who I can find!
Looking forward to finally catching you!!


I love to hear it! Hope to see you at this one :))