TBA - Potential New York State Fair meetup Syracuse NY

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Syracuse NY
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: The Great New York State Fair
:calendar: DATE: end of August/beginning September
:alarm_clock: TIME:
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
official announcement is here: 24 August 2024- Syracuse, NY Meetup

Hello! Really just gauging interest at this moment but myself and Lia (who made the card for the last Syracuse meetup) would love to host another! This would fall sometime at the end of august or beginning of September hopefully (depending on how some connections work out) at the New York State fair. If there is any interest please let me know. I’ll keep this open a couple of weeks and make a real post if it ends up happening. Please comment with any interest!

ETA: I’ll be updating with an official announcement within the week (maybe even today)!

Last edit: will be making an official announcement when I get home from work tonight! Thanks so much for all the interest!


Hi there! I would absolutely LOVE to attend! :two_hearts: I would be so thrilled :smile: :two_hearts:

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Once available, I would like more information about the meet-up. Thanks!

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I’m interested.

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Buffalo here :slight_smile: I would try to make it!

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interested from southern Ontario!
Only 3.5 hours drive from here… summer road trip!?!

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I am interested as I live in Elmira New York. Keep me posted. Thanks, Charlie Paone

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I am interested!

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I’m interested in attending!

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I would love to. I live in NC but my home town is Syracuse. Hope this happens!

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I am interested. I may be traveling up that way during that time.

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I’m interested. Hope the date works out!