24 August 2024- Syracuse, NY Meetup

Added you to the maybe list! I always tag all the maybes about a month out to get final answers so absolutely no worries :))

change me to a coming - just booked a cheap hotel room to say over so I can drive home Sunday. I would like 20 of each postcard and Iā€™ll go to the fair. Letā€™s hope we have good weather.

Thanks for organizing this!


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Youā€™re so welcome! Just changed it :))

I would like to go! I live in Rochester, and love going to the state fair every year. It would be my first ever meet-upā€¦ I donā€™t want to guarantee I can go yet, but put me down as a maybe and Iā€™ll put it in my calendar!

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This is a maybe for me but highly interested. I just dont know if i will be in the area then. I can let you know closer to the date.

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Hooraay!!! How exciting.

@sadieturtlepants thanks for taking the leap and organizing and thanks to Lia for the card design!

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Iā€™m in Rochester, too! After the Niagara Falls Meet-up last year, there was chatter about setting up a Rochester Meet-up - maybe around the Lilac Fest, but we didnā€™t make it happen yet.

Iā€™d love to even just have a local Postcrossing Coffee Date if it wasnā€™t an official Meet-up. :smiley:


I think that would be a great idea! Especially with so many great places to get coffee and write!

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Is there a card design yet?
We are excited to see :love_letter:

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Not yet! We are going to be cutting it a little close with the design because of some life stuff but I can assure you it will be coming. The photographic one will just be a simple single view of the fair with the date and such and the illustrated one will be started soon (and slightly similar to last years). Sorry for the delay!

(Image included is last years design, it will be following a similar theme)


Thank youā€¦ Will you let us know here when you need to get #

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I will be printing more than enough for everyone (1000+ of both designs) so if you have an amount youā€™d like let me know but there will definitely be enough :))


Here is the photographic design!


Please put me down as a maybe. I am putting it on my calendar. It will be my first meet up and Iā€™d really like to attend. Thank you for having it.

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Put me down please as a maybeā€¦this would be my first meet up and the closest to Saratoga Springs. Thanks for organizing this!

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Here is the illustrated design by Lia Parks (who will be attending the meetup). I am so excited to see this printed, so cute!


Sadly, I wonā€™t be able to make it after all. I would love to swap for the card, though if anyone cares to trade. I have several meet up cards to choose from. Have fun! and super cute design!


absolutely love the designs

I hope you have me down for 20 of each. Please let me know if you need payment in advance etc

Looking forward to the meetup

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I got 1000 each of the cards so definitely enough for everyone! I donā€™t require payment for my cards as I never want a barrier to entry for my meetups. I will be accepting PayPal/cash donations at the meetup though to help cover costs as Iā€™ve had multiple people ask to contribute, this is completely optional although.

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Thank you. That means I can get a few cards for one of my friends who cannot attend. I really appreciate all your effort to make this Postcrossing meet up happen.

See you in a few weeks


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