18 May 2024 - Ocean Springs, MS "Downtown" Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Ocean Springs, MS
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: “French Kiss” on Washington Ave
:calendar: DATE: May 18th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1000 to 1130 (CST)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Anticipating between 4 and 10 people. Meeting over coffee. We plan to do some sharing, some show-and-tell, swaps and trades, and a little signing. Main goal is sharing our love of postcards and Postcrossing, passing along cool tips, fun stories, etc. While card signing is not the primary goal of the Meetup, there will be a card designed and everyone usually leaves with about 10 signed cards. They will be available at cost, so please let me know when you RSVP how many cards you are likely to want.
French Kiss is a fabulous coffee, bakery and gelato place in the downtown shopping area of Ocean Springs. Having the meeting in the morning leaves the afternoon free for visiting the galleries, shops or beaches right outside the door. Parking is where you can find it along the streets and under the oak trees; not metered. There are also a few small (free) city parking areas scattered around.

Washington Ave IS exit 50 off of I10. Take Exit 50 and go south; in about 5 minutes you will cross Bienville (the main E-W street in Ocean Springs) and right after you cross the train tracks start hunting for a parking spot, as French Kiss is a very short distance from the tracks.

I have ordered 100 Meet-up cards from Moo. Here is the card:

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Ill be there!!

Id love to get 10 postcards.


I’ll be there! Ocean Springs is such a cool place. I look forward to spending a couple days in the area! I’m going to say I’d like 25 cards, please.


I will try to attend.


It’s still a ways out, but I’ve put this on my calendar as I would love to attend. :slight_smile:


My sister (@rg711) and I will be there. Maybe my brother - not sure about his schedule yet. We’d like 5 cards each. Thanks!

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I will be there. This will be my first meetup so I’m excited!
I would like 5 cards.

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Just an update to December post - unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. :frowning: I hope you all have a wonderful time, and if there is another in the future, I will try to join that one.

PM me your address if you want to and we’ll send you one of the cards from there. Sorry you can’t make it - but thanks for letting me know!

Oh my goodness - I would LOVE that! Thank you! I’ll PM you my address.

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Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful card.
My offers:

Have fun at the meet-up and thank you in advance.

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Hi, Laurie! It’s getting close to your meetup! I’m really looking forward to it - that’s such a pretty area! I asked for 25 cards, but I can take less if you have more people asking. But, I’ll still go with 25 if you have them!
See you then - Tanya

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I think it will be Ok. There are only 55 cards “claimed” so far, and I was going to keep 20 myself, so there is still no concern. Thanks for your editing tips. I was able to make about half your changes. I’m still learning PhotoShop and had a couple merged items that I couldn’t undo. I’m still generally pleased with it - Moo delivered them yesterday. They are a very nice quality, with a fiber weaving in the card material, and the card face has a sort of waxy coating, so they won’t rip or tear easily. They averaged 68 cents a card with the bulk order.

Hi! Its almost meetup time!!! :smiley:

My first meetup i brought a huge bag w me!! W everything I had bc i didnt know what to expect. Lol

This time I will be bringing some postcards i wouldnt mind trading or giving away.

I will being stickers to trade or giveaway.

I also have alot of folded cards if anyone is interested in trading.

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Hi! I really want to exchange for this wonderful postcard:)

My postcards for exchange: Обмен - Swap — Яндекс Диск

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Hi :wave:t2: I’m joining tomorrow this meeting 18. Mai 2024 - Burg Rabenstein Meeting who wants to swap a card with me?


@Kushboo - if no one else from the meeting beats me to it, I’ll PM you and get your address. I collect meet-up cards and would be more than happy to exchange. :grinning:

(Same goes for the other 2 folks who made a similar inquiry)

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Thanks, everyone who came today, several of you from out of state - such devotion! I had a great time meeting new friends and seeing some other Meetup veterans again!
Until next time, Happy PostCrossing!!!


Thanks so much for putting this together. I had a great time.
I was kind of nervous for my first meetup and didn’t know what to expect, but I had a great time nerding out about postcards. I loved learning more about the coastal community and meeting some wonderful people.


Really enjoyed meeting up! Thanks for hosting, Laurie :blush:

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