18 May 2024 - Ocean Springs, MS "Downtown" Meet-up

I received the card today from your meeting - thank you all so much! I hope I can make it to a future meet-up down there!

  • Melissa
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Here are some of the photos I took!



Thanks for hosting @Wynnie! I had a great time!


I love all the additional pictures!
Also, my Post Office tipped me off that there is a first day cancellation event tonight at the South Mississippi Summer Fair. They are doing cancellations and giving a little pin away.
I’m going to go with Dakota. Maybe I’ll see you there!

(Carnival Nights stamp ceremony – USPS Employee News)


Nuts - I wish I could go. I am just a few days away from leaving for an extended work-trip so I can’t get away this evening. I’m glad you found out about it in time to make your plans. You can bring your pin for show & tell at the next meetup you go to! Hope you have fun!

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