13th International London Meeting May 4th 2024

Now the Tube strike has been called off I can start making plans for this meeting! I shall be there!

Would there be the usual ā€œSecret Santaā€ type raffle prize? Approximately what value? Normally ca Ā£5.

I expect so - Iā€™ve already got my gift, but havenā€™t wrapped it yet!

Hi everyone!

Just messaged with all the details,if people could reply by Friday it would be very helpful!!!

NB You can still sign up until the day of the event for anyone new reading this.


I have replied!

Tube strike called off - thatā€™s great news. Looking forward to the meeting.

Hey, unfortunately I canā€™t make it :frowning: Hope you have fun

Hey, did you message me on here or my mobile?

Do we have a design for a postcard yet? I canā€™t wait to see it! :star2:

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22 confirmed!


Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

The meet-up postcard is finished - yay! Hope you like it :love_letter:

Hereā€™s the design:

The price is 25p per postcard.

Iā€™m hoping to get this sent to the printers by early next week, so please let me or @constanze know how many youā€™d like (or make a note when placing your food order).

Have a great day! :cherry_blossom:


Absolutely beautiful! I really love it. Well done, Antonia! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for designing the card - itā€™s beautiful! :blush:

Iā€™m just not sure, if there is too much blue in the background behind the logo?

Hey, thanks for your comment.

Iā€™ve enhanced the outer glow around the logo. Hopefully thatā€™s a bit better. :+1:


It looks better to me, but Iā€™m not an Admin thoughā€¦ I guess we have to wait until @ mundoo will approve it?

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Beautiful design, @mwntimperial! Thank you!

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The card is absolutely stunning!! Pity we canā€™t have a silhouette of Darth Vader looking out of the window (being May 4th) LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

Iā€™ll take 20 cards please!! :+1:t4::nerd_face:


@MogCherie Itā€™s fantastic :star_struck:


Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful card.
My offers:

Have fun at the meeting and thank you in advance.

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All looking great!
Iā€™ll take 8 cards.
Have messaged Constanze privately.

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