13th International London Meeting May 4th 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: England
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: London
:calendar: DATE: 04/05/2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:30/11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Guildhall Art Gallery then Food and signing!

Hi all,

I’m Postcrossing sad after having to miss the last two meetings I wanted to go to so starting this thread even earlier than usual (I normally make it to November). Get it in your diary!

The Plan-

10:30-10:55am Gather in the Saint Mary Aldermanbury Garden on Love Lane
11am Visit to the Guildhall Art Gallery
12:30pm onwards Lunch at the Lord Raglan pub (we went here a couple of years ago and it’s a very postcrossing friendly space, the pub even has some postal decorations!) and lots of postcard signing!

Mogcherie is designing the cards, more details shortly!

Hope to see you there :slight_smile:

Constanze :slight_smile:


  1. Constanze
  2. MargLondon
  3. Edpe11
  4. MarinaL
  5. charzevans
  6. toucans
  7. SashaUA17
  8. chrisbonham11
  9. lady_of_the_house
  10. geo_
  11. mwntimperial
  12. mwntimperial son
  13. foxfires
  14. Maedje
  15. Eli33
  16. Maddymail
  17. Anamaria8
  18. MogCherie
  19. JennyAssis
  20. JennyAssis husband
  21. mapcardcollector
  22. tashac
  23. Star-Mix-1982
  24. Katharinaballarina


  1. Analogue_Cam
  2. Jonny1987
  3. edith0817
  4. gettingblue

Can’t make it

  1. GeminiFootprints
  2. ItsDunnies
  3. Championwonder
  4. tanzianne
  5. Flowerinapot
  6. JustJo

A provisional yes please!

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Count me in

Provisional for me too! :heart:

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Provisional for me too, please. :slight_smile:

Could you pop me on the list please, @constanze ? May the fourth be with us!


Please can I be a provisional going? (Need to check I don’t have exams the same week lol) :smiling_face:


Yes please Constanze. Hope you are well. Thanks, Tasha xx

Would definitely love to be a part of this. Count me in please :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully I can make it too!

I am meant to be working that day, but I’ll see what I can do.

Trains permitting, I hope to be there!

After missing this year’s Meetup by 2 weeks, I’m determined to be there next year (and I may have been waiting since May for you to announce the next Meetup :see_no_evil: :smiley:).
Would you please put me on the list?

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I would love to come to London again!

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Added you all :partying_face:


Hi, I would love to join you all, but I am not certain if can have a few days off from work next May, so please for me provisional too. Thanks a lot.

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Provisional for me too please! I haven’t begun to make any plans for 2024 yet!

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Please put me on the list - will try and arrange to be there !


I will try to be there depending on family situation nearer the time. Thank you for organising it!

I have been given the day off work!! I’ll be there officially :partying_face: YAY :partying_face: