13th International London Meeting May 4th 2024

I want to come too please :slight_smile:

Pencil me in as a hopeful attendee please :slight_smile:

It’s been years since I joined a PC meet-up, please add me on there too!

Added :slight_smile:

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Provisional yes please

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Yes please (assuming the trains are running :roll_eyes:)

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Hi folks, provisional for me! Hoping i can make it :slight_smile:

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I would love to go as well. As this is the closest to Potters Bar. Please add me to the list if possible. Many thanks.

Not sure if we are at suggestion time yet - but thought here looked good?

I am a maybe depending on location and if I am working the Sweeps Festival in Rochester. Kent

I will be there!!!

Hi all! I think it’s about time I started organising this properly, 2024 has crept up on me very suddenly!

Really like your suggestion Danny, will do some research and update shortly :slight_smile:

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Please add me as a hopeful attendee! :nerd_face:

A change of holiday plans, so unfortunately I will not be attending. Thank you @constanze for organising and I hope to join some other year. Best wishes from the Netherlands.

Finally, a plan! I looked at a few other places but Danny’s idea wins :slight_smile:


Sorry, I am now on a hen weekend this same weekend, I’m gutted to not be able to make it!! 2025 I’ll be there! :blush:

I would like to attend.

Hi everyone! Hopefully I will be able to attend this one! Please put me down! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone ,

I would like to come , is there any limit of people who can come ? I see the list up to 30

Hopefully I will be able to make it.