13th International London Meeting May 4th 2024

Put me down, please.

No limit, youā€™re on the list :slight_smile:

I will no longer be able to attend, feel free to remove me from the list :slight_smile:

Wouldnā€™t it be cool to have a Star Wars themed meetup card??!! :joy:


Iā€™ll join

Iā€™ve just seen reports that thereā€™ll be a strike on 4 May by London Underground drivers who are ASLEF union members. London Underground drivers to strike in April and May, says Aslef - BBC News

When train strikes were announced I suspected that this would happen. If the strike goes ahead I wonā€™t be able to make it to the meeting. Iā€™ll watch for updatesā€¦

As of yet, no issues are showing on getting to London on May 4th from Dorking on Southern.
Or to London Bridge Station via Redhill on Thameslink.

Please add me with a maybe:)

I am so sorry but due to ongoing health problems i canā€™t come to the meet-up

If there are tube strikes that day I wonā€™t be able to make it across London. Sorry, please take my name off the list :pensive:

Hmm, I get the feeling the tube strikes will affect atendance quite a bit?! Does anyone think I should postpone the meeting for a few weeks?

Depends on when the rescheduled date will be as I took a day off work to attend.

I have already booked flight and hotel and asked for time off from work, so 3 or 5 May would be possible for me, but I not sure if moving a few weeks will work out.

There is potential that the Strikes could be called off closer to the day, plus not all lines, staff members will be on strike, depends on which union has called strike action, I guess it will be a reduced service.

Itā€™s members of the ASLEF union who are planning to strike.

Personally, if I canā€™t get the Underground Iā€™m planning to cycle across the city to the Guildhall from whichever station I arrive at (Paddington or Waterloo), but I know that this isnā€™t an option for everyone. Buses should still be running. Perhaps if several folks are arriving at the same railway station, or travelling from the same / similar locations, they could split the cost of a taxi?

The main thing is, there are other options to get around the city in the event that strike action does take place (as @Maddymail said, the strike action may yet be called off). They just might be a little less familiar than the Underground.

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Please put my name down, Iā€™d love to join :blush: Iā€™ll keep an eye on the tube strikes but am sure I can find an alternative way across London if they go ahead.


Please could you put me down for attending @constanze Iā€™d love to come :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks in advance :yellow_heart:

Great news:


@constanze I would love to join.