Your greatest cards that never made it

this cute easter bunny is travelling now for 11 Months and will expire in March. So sad it never reached china. as the reciver is still active… I hope maybe it is only delayed and will evenually after falling off the system still reach its destination or even before… who knows ^^ there is still some hope for it.


This postcard has been travelling for 353 days so is about to fall off the system. When I sent it, it was to a new member in Russia. They’ve registered postcards every month, so are active.


This card will fall off the system on 7th of March :cry:

However I was lucky: From January to March 23 I had only 3 expired cards - and then none until November! There are still 6 travelling from December, but I think the first 11 months had a good rate!


My spring card from February 25th 2023 to Italy (DE-127613xx) and card #49 of all my cards:

It seems to have gotten lost on its way :cry:

Goodbye, sweetie


What a shame. It’s so pretty.

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The thing about sending out a special card, that you’re particularly attached…is that if that card doesn’t make it…you remain more frustrated than usual…

This one went to Russia and it has been travelling for 281 days. Dr Who, Daleks

This one went to the USA and has been travelling for 290 days. Illustration by a local artist

:broken_heart:I will hope until the end they may still arrive :raised_hands:t2:


I have 2 more that have been travelling for a very long time.

This one has been travelling for 356 days, so will fall off the list in ten days.

It’s to someone in Russia who logs in occasionally, but rarely sends or registers postcards.

And this one will fall off the system in 22 days time.

The intended recipient in Belarus has been more regularly on the site, registering postcards.


I especially love the second one - soo beautiful!! :smiling_face_with_tear:


Ready to say good bye
To South Korea, last seen 11 months ago


96 days to Belarus. I hope my partner has received it as they study architecture.

And this funny one hasn’t been reported in the US after 266 days…



the top one has made it. Unfortunately, there was no Hurray-message and she did not favourite it :pensive:. I thought it was the perfect card for a student of architecture. Still, I’m happy it has arrived. :+1:


This postcard is to an active user in Norway. It’s such a shame because this card is missing from her Titina collection so would have been perfect for her. Never mind. It has been travelling for 352 days, so will fall off the system in the middle of this month.


Maybe it’s time for me to say goodbye to this beautiful and one of my favorite postcard of Alexey Dolotov. At least, if you doesn’t make it to my “sent” wall, I’ll remember you here. I hope you are safe somewhere and well. :smiling_face_with_tear:

To Rusia - 314 Days (and still counting)


These special cards will fall of the system in 10 and 20 days, they never reached their destination in Russia and UK. :pensive:


This one headed to Malaysia expired.


to Japan 103 days

to USA 125 days

to Russia 212 days

to Russia 212 days

to Russia 212 days too


This card will soon vanish from my “traveling list”:

352 days to U. S. A.

It is sad because I like pigs and this is a nice illustration from a stamp issued some years ago.


I really liked the first one, a great miaxicard :heart_eyes: thats so sad it didnt make it…

More cards to members who haven’t logged in since several months and which will expire eventually:
Travelling to Azerbaijan (358 days, last seen 9 months ago):

Travelling to Romania (351 days, last seen 5 months ago):

Travelling to the USA (334 days, last seen 12 months ago):

Travelling to China (332 days, last seen 6 months ago):

Travelling to China (326 days, last seen 11 months ago):

Travelling to the USA (288 days, last seen 5 months ago):

Travelling to the USA (285 days, last seen 10 months ago):

Travelling to China (281 days, last seen 6 months ago):

Travelling to China (278 days, last seen 3 months ago):

Travelling to Finland (273 days, last seen 6 months ago):

Travelling to China (262 days, last seen 7 months ago):

Travelling to Belarus (255 days, last seen 6 months ago):

Travelling to Russia (238 days, last seen 3 months ago):

Travelling to Germany (219 days, last seen 5 months ago):

Travelling to the USA (149 days, last seen 6 months ago):

Travelling to Germany (136 days, last seen 4 months ago):

Travelling to the Netherlands (135 days, last seen 4 months ago):

Travelling to the USA (130 days, last seen 3 months ago):


Rip to this lovely card :smiling_face_with_tear:
Sent to USA, travelling 357 days, user last seen 12 months ago