Yes, we made it!

One coming from Oregon.

Hello :wave:t3:

I just wondered how the postcard project was progressing, well I hope? I sent my card on 26th January :postbox: I hope it arrived safely.

Emma x

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Good question @EmmaG I was wondering too… :grimacing: :upside_down_face:

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Hi everybody!
We have received about 50 postcards from all over the world - thank you so much! I put them all on the blackboard, having my students guess what this is supposed to be. The could hardly believe that these postcards were all for them! Some of them thought it was all fake and I had to insist that these cards were from real people…
We have about a dozen postcards which I put in the mail on Wednesday and more will follow. However, there are two weeks of Easter-break ahead of us so school won’t start before early April. And: It’s a slow process. Many kids don’t know how to write a postcard - it’s simply a different generation. So I basically have to start from scratch, telling them where to leave space for the stamp and the address and how to manage the rest of the backside. We had to throw quite a few postcards into the garbage bin because they wrote their text all over the back side, having already forgotten me saying: Leave room for stamp and address. But we’ll continue after Easter break and I promise more postcards will follow. Each of my students has to write 4 - in the end they hopefully know how it works :slight_smile:


postcard from Emma in my class is on it’s way :slight_smile:

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Aww that’s so nice, thank you :blush::blush::blush: and thank you for the update x

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Happy to hear that the project is going well! I sent you a postcard from Bologna, Italy.
If you ever need more adresses please let me know, I didn’t write it in the card because of space.
If not, no problem! Hope my card arrived :two_hearts:

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“We had to throw quite a few postcards into the garbage bin because they wrote their text all over the back side, having already forgotten me saying: Leave room for stamp and address.”
It might be my fault: I sent you a card and a letter in an envelope. Stamps and address are on the envelope, not on the postcard.

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Hi, are you still looking for participants? I would be happy to send one if so :smiling_face:

I received this very nice card today from Violeta, one of the 7th graders :smiling_face:

I sure will write her back :tulip: :wave:t2:


Sending you a card from the UK



This beautiful card arrived today from Emma, thank you so much :blush: I will write back after the Easter weekend x

EDIT: I have written Emma’s cards today & they will go in tomorrow’s post :postbox: x


Another postcard is on the way from the U.K. :grin:


Hello Again :wave:t3:

I wrote back to Emma on April 3rd, I hope she received my envelope ok?

Yesterday I unexpectedly received another beautiful Sunflower postcard from Daniela, I shall try & write back this week.

I hope the project is still going well & the children are enjoying it, do you have photos of all the wonderful cards you have received?

Emma x

I would Like to participate as well. Send me the Kids Name i can write to. To make it more Personal :smiling_face: