Yes, we made it!

Just missed this afternoon’s run, but card is prepared for mail tomorrow.

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I’ll send one this weekend! I’m guessing you would like our return address on the card?


Hi Eva,

I am in too and mail a postcard tomorrow. This will be fun!

Regards for now!

26-1-24: The card is mailed today and should arrive sometime next week.


Yep- I’ll put it the mail today!

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Will be sending one from Hong Kong

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I’ll send one next week!

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Yes, absolutley.

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(plus my name)

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If that’s fine with you…

Definitely, what a great project! Postcard traveling your way

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I’ll also send along a card for the class! It’s wonderful that you’re sharing this fun hobby with the kids especially in a day and age where everything is so instantaneous :smiling_face:

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Sending a postcard of the New York United Nations postal offices.

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Sind deutsche Karten denn auch willkommen?

Do you want postcards from other students at around the age range of your students or are postcards from adults also okay? I can imagine that your students are not keen to communicate with a 50+ woman, even if she was born and raised in Germany but lives half across the world in Hawai’i now (and before that in California).

Sending one from Utah! :love_letter:

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I appreciate any postcard, really! But you are right: A few sentences from someone of about the same age might feel different. You decide…or send two postcards :slight_smile:

Klar - wir freuen uns grundsätzlich über jede Post. Allerdings mache ich das Projekt im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts und “verlange” von meinen Schülern, auf Englisch zu antworten. LG!

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I would love to exchange postcard with a school class. Wenn I was in school my English teacher tried but I was almost the only one interested in my class…
I will write you in the next day.
Do you have some preference?

Happy to send one to you!

I’ll send one out tomorrow! :slight_smile: