Yes, we made it!

A few months back I asked the world for help - and we were helped. My English-class received about 60 postcards from all over the globe and the students have each written up to 5 postcards in return (some more, some less…). And I still find mail in my box that I can hand over to individual students - and see them proudly smile. So all our thanks go to those of you who took their time to sit down and write a few lines.

Our school year is almost over and I had to end the official part of this project. It doesn’t mean that students no longer can answer to postcards they receive. It just means that I don’t have any time left in class before summer break - there’s still a bit of grammar here and vocab there…

However, depending on the classes I will be given next school year I might come back to you and ask for help again. So maybe it’s: Talk to you later, alligator!

Hi everybody,
last school year I innitiated a postcrossing-project for my 7th graders where we all exchanged postcards. The class found out that it’s not too complicated after all to sit down and write a few lines in English. They also found out what the little thing is called which is needed to send the card from A to B (some of them didn`t even remember the German word for stamp - thanks, smartphone…).
What I also remember is that they were so, so proud to, at some point, receive a postcard which was written to them personally instead of to the entire class.

So - since I am teaching 7th graders again (in Germany this means that they are between 12 and 13 yrs old) I thought I might relaunch the project, maybe with a little change here and there - but basically I hope to get them to write again.
In three weeks we have one week off here in Bavaria. But after that I would like to talk to the class about my idea- and now it is your turn: Could you send us postcards so that by the time I try to convince my class I can stand in front of my students, holding postcards in my hand which have been written especially for them? And maybe on these postcards let us know if they can write back to you so that they have their first concrete addresses? I don’t have any special wishes - just write about whatever you feel like.

Our address is:

c/o Eva Sünderhauf / 7b
Schleifweg 39
90409 Nürnberg

This is a public address, and I understand it’s being posted on a public forum.

Thanks so much!


I’m on it!

Me too!

I’ll send a pc out today :slight_smile:

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sending a postcard to you


I’ll post one on monday! Let’s hope our post system can work its way to Germany before three weeks :crossed_fingers:

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Tomorrow morning I will send you a postcard :slight_smile:

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I will send a postcard today!

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Does the class have a name, so I can address the postcard specifically to them?

I’d be happy to send a card from the UK :uk: x


Sending card from Las Vegas :grinning:

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I will write tonight, I can send it tomorrow. But won’t it be too fast? Mail from Latvia to Germany takes 3-7 days.

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Will send one from Canada today :slight_smile:

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I will send a card


Sending one from Aachen.

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Thanks very much!

It’s fine if you just use the address above, 7b stands for the class, and in addition to mentioning my name as well, our office knows whom to give the postcards to. thanks so much!


Don’t worry if your card arrives earlier. Our office will hand it to me and I’ll just keep the postcards until I’m ready to start the project. they won’t get lost, our school is not very big :wink:

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So ‘Hello 7b’ would be ok? thank you x

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Sending from Massachusetts :slight_smile:

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Arizona is on board

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