Yay or nay? Original designs

What do you think these two cards (original designs)


Hi Dave! I would perhaps suggest moving “American Rodeo” up into the black area towards the top.


I agree with @CrimsonKing about moving the text up in the 1st one - it’s a great image & you shouldn’t crowd it.

Not a fan of the 2nd one given it’s subject matter - we’re way past those days!


Totally agree with you!!

@KentuckyDave move up the text on the first one.

For the second one, well, I don’t like the card at all very much 🤷
But also there it would be better to move up the text (and maybe change the color if necessary).

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To be honest I think a lot of people might not be keen on getting the first one either. The horse looks a little rough around the edges.
It’s a sport based on the stress and anxiety of the animal.

Not trying to preach here. Just saying you’ve chosen two divisive topics for your cards and in the modern world people are not afraid to kick back. Know your audience before you send them to anyone.

Edit: for a little positivity. Subject matter aside, the cards are well made. You have a good eye for the creative side. Like others said, just try to ensure that the writing is not obscured by the background image. Keep at it, just be mindful of the mass appeal of the images you choose.


A NAY for both cards !
The horse looks miserable and unhappy. It pains me to see the image.
The 2nd one, well… humour from the day and age of the image on the card, roughly 100 years ago.


Nay to both. Animal torture and sexism are not really favourites of mine.


Nay from me, I wouldn’t enjoy getting them. But I appreciate that you ask here about others’ opinions. :slight_smile:


I, too, wouldn’t enjoy either of these cards, due to the same reasons already stated by the previous posters.


Nay for both cards :frowning:


Nay for both cards.


Not a big fan of :sweat_smile:

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YAY to both. This is documenting history and culture. The B/W is int. and gives some significant alterations from old to new times. Sureley you can find some postcrosser that is not easily offended or want to bury freedom to experience for others.


No to number one, send too much like animal abuse to me and I don’t understand the “sport” or “fun” of it. The second one is yes to me, because of the historical value.

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I don’t like the first card at all (looks like cruelty to animals to me) and the second card would be much nicer without the text on. The text would be better placed on the other side as the title of the image, together with the year and the photographer.

Same opinion here for the first card, wouldn’t like to receive it.

I love the picture on the second but would like it better without the text.

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Nay for both :neutral_face:
Animal abuse and sexism imho


Same here (nay for both).
Feel truly sorry for the poor horse…:pensive:


I would always avoid postcard that can be funny for some, but offending for others.
I hate them both and would be very unhappy to receive them.

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As a woman, the second one makes me very uncomfortable. I understand it’s meant as a joke, but it feels … a little… gross.