Would this stamp disturb you? (Warning, blood)

Okay so overall I love these Life Magnified stamps from USPS, but I’m just wondering about the red blood cell one. I know some people are disturbed by the sight of blood and didn’t know if this might be a trigger. Do you think it’s okay for general use, or should I save it for someone who expresses an interest in science, for example.


I won’t be disturbed by this, but if you feel more comfortable, send it to someone who is interested in science

This stamp reminds me of the school lab days - I think we did swabs of our cheeks and examined them under the microscope.


It wouldn’t disturb me neither. If I haven’t read the inscript ‘Red Blood Cells’, I would’t know what is it about. I think there is nothing scary about, at least, it is nature and what we are made of. :smiley:


Agree - it wouldn’t be a problem for me either.

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It wouldn’t disturb me, since its not what you usually think of when it comes to blood (spills and gore)

Same idea! This stamp is good to be sent to those who like Science.


I would be so so happy if I received a stamp like this!!
Science is one of my favorite things and also this also reminds me of the time we did a science project when I was in school!! It was so so fun!!

This stamp doesn’t disturb me either!


I think the “life magnified” stamps are absolutely fabulous and I’d love to receive any of them (especially the lily pollen one, and the moss)! :smiley:

The blood cells are certainly not, what most people think of when they hear “blood”! :slightly_smiling_face:


Doesn’t look disturbing, one could think it’s a piece of art, a sculpture perhaps.


Thank you all for your responses, I think I was just overthinking it. :slight_smile:


Haha, I was looking these stamps up on the forum last night to see what everyone thought! I can definitely see some of them disturbing people. The blood cells, the starling bone tissue and the mold spores specifically. I’m not bothered by blood but something about those blood cells magnified like that grosses me out. I’m holding off on sending those until I get the right profile. I’m an over thinker too though!

If you are interested in direct swaps I would love to have the blood cells, bone tissue, and mold spores stamps!! If you are interested we could do postcard swaps and then you could get rid of those stamps that give you an ick if you would like :blush::sparkles:


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Nice stamp, and I did recognize the red blood cells :slight_smile:
Will be glad to receive it someday.

This is why I love the forum! I will message you :smiley:

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No, it wouldn’t disturb me. I like science stamps! :grinning:


It wont disturb me but I prefer not to receive it. I find it ugly :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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I will await your message!! I also do hope you are having a wonderful day today!! :sparkles:

If you’re overthinking it then I am too :rofl:
It disturbs me a little because it makes me think of blood! But I like the others on this sheet.
Personally I am saving that one for nurses and people who express interest in sciences.

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I overthink too! What a curse! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:

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I’m sending these stamps to everyone as I love them :joy: hopefully they go over well enough haha


I consider myself an over thinker, but this stamp doesn’t bother me, and frankly, I don’t see why it would gross anyone out since it isn’t “gory, but that’s just my opinion. I don’t like gore and horror , and I don’t think of this image in that way at all. But everyone’s perspective is different, of course.

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