Would this stamp disturb you? (Warning, blood)

I like this stamp and will probably slso like the other ones. I hope to find them one day on my postcard. To me it doesn’t look like blood at all but just like red bloodcells that help us to stay alive.

This made me remember one Finnish stamp, which I don’t remember what it was representing in reality, but it looked like a blood drop in water. So many girl thought about periods when they see this stamp :smile: and we wondered, who designs this kind of stamp :laughing:

I think all those Life Magnified stamps look great. I have always found magnified images interesting (bacteria, virus, tardigrade, pollen…) Red cells usually look like red cushions or some kind of disc shaped jelly beans, which I don’t find creepy at all. To me it is quite different from seeing real blood.


I have some sort of issue with medical things - I had often a blackout when it was too detailed. However I have no problems when it is in a clear scienic way, so these stamps are ok for me and trigger nothing.

(That means, I can’t watch hospital series, but I had always good grades in biology.)

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what a cool stamp. would really love to receive it ^^ and in general a lovely stamp series. We had some magnified images stamps in Germany too and I loved them a lot.

I love these stamps ! Super cool imo

I would definitely appreciate this stamp as I like science:)

I wouldn’t mind getting the stamp - after all, it’s nothing to do with violence. Considering there are more horrible stamps (Halloween themed e.g.), yours seems to be harmless.

:joy: I just ask the forum members if they thought these stamps were creepy or okay because I had the same fear as you, that someone might be bothered by the up close images. Everyone seems fine with them.

It wouldn’t bother me – and I have these stamps on my list to purchase

Not at all, the opposite in fact but I’m probably an outlier because it’s my job to literally spend my day looking at blood and blood cells!:drop_of_blood::microscope:I find the super fascinating.

Im considering asking a friend to buy some for me

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Personally, I love this set of stamps. I’m sending them to whoever. I didn’t consider the idea that the postcrosser may feel uncomfortable. I think they are rather artistic.

Echoing what has been said before. It’s a magnified image of a red blood cell, and rather than being a gory or graphic image, it looks like a work of abstract sculpture. It’s a bit of science education on a stamp!

I hope to receive it on a postcard from the USA, like others have said.

It would not bother me.

Really i love the stamp!
Thank you Laura for this nice stamp.

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I tend to agree with many above. People with aversion to blood are disturbed by bloody gore (think slasher movies). Not by a magnification of a blood cell. But that being said, I was surprised by a reaction I got from someone asking why my stamps had skulls on them. I replied explaining the tradition of Dia de los Muertos. I suppose to someone not familiar with it, those stamps may look like someone is casting some ancient hex on them.
