World Postcard Day Meetup Saturday 30th September

:world_map: CITY/REGION: London
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Business Design Centre, Islington
:calendar: DATE: 30/09/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hi everyone!

New thread for the World Postcrossing Day meetup. Before you say anything I know that WPD is the day after but Stampex have once again offered us a space for a little meeting :slight_smile:

We have a space to sign cards from 12-2pm, then we can decide what to after (go for a wander around the show perhaps, they have the most expensive stamp on display, or maybe go for a well earned coffee in the cafe after all the signing!). Isobel (one of the Stampex organisers) has also suggested we all bring our favourite Postcossing card and do a little show and tell if everyone is down.

@NataliaDoesThings has designed us a lovely meetup card.

Let me know if you’re down and I’ll add you to the list for updates!

Constanze :slight_smile:


  1. Constanze
  2. Jennyassis
  3. Suschris
  4. charzevans
  5. hcross2015 (maybe)
  6. Maddymail can no longer make it :frowning:
  7. foxfires (maybe)
  8. xalypo
  9. SashaUA17
  10. tashac
  11. jtan
  12. Geminifootprints
  13. Perisoreus_39715
  14. CAM75

Just tagging all the people from the old thread (sorry for the spamming!!!) (spam is delicious though)

@NataliaDoesThings @charzevans @hcross2015 @moonraker_girl @JennyAssis @foxfires @Maddymail


Hi Constanze,

Please pop me down as a maybe as I need to form up exactly when my evening plans start.

Please, put me down and @anon59326037 :mailbox_with_mail:

I’ll be there!!

Sadly a no for me :sob:

Can you put me down as a maybe? I will be able to confirm closer :slightly_smiling_face:

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I won’t be able to make it but happy to be responsible for organising postcards (@constanze I will figure out how to get them to you ahead of time :slight_smile: )

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Hello Constanze, Please add me to the list. :grin:

I hope to come, as long as there are trains.
Will confirm nearer the time.

I’ll come as well

Hi all!

We have a space at Stampex at 12 for two hours but I’m not sure what else people would like from the day?

There’s a museum not far away from the venue, or maybe a meal could be arranged.

Happy to organise stuff but as I’m technically at work at Stampex I can’t really sneak out for more than the lunchtime meetup so would need a volunteer to chaperone any outside activities.

Let me know feelings and I will get organising!!!

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Just heard news that Royal Mail won’t have a stand at Stampex this year, so no Stampex Postmarks this year again!


Anyways, I usually enjoy Stampex as a general exhibition, a meetup is always a lovely bonus, so I am happy to spend my lunchtime here.

Hi @constanze do you still want me to organise the postcards?

Hi! I could not miss this one. Please add me to the list. Thks!

Yes please from me too. Constanze - will there be free official WPD cards like last year? Thanks, Tasha

Hi, we will have a meetup for WPD at Curitiba Brazil, if someone would like to swap here is our postcard:


If you could that would be amazing but I can sort if you’re busy! Let me know how you want to work it, if not I’ll get on it this week.

Let me find out for youuuu

Just an FYI, I’ve updated the main post!