World Postcard Day 2024 - Australian meet ups - card designs

Hi everyone

Would anyone holding a meet up in Australia like to join together in a common card design, like we did last year? I have a rough idea for cards based on the theme of history of mail.

We will have our Melbourne meet up a little early, 22 September, but we don’t need to all meet on the same day.

I know it got a little tricky last year trying to swap cards, with other groups being smaller than ours, so I understand if people don’t go for it again!

If you’re planning a meeting and are interested, let me know!

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@helent I have a book of postcards on the theme of the history of Australia Post if you’d like to borrow it for ideas? Maybe you have that book too?

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Are there any other Canberrans keen for a small get together on the 1st October? Maybe some place like Parliament House cafeteria? They have the post office, a pictorial postmark and the gift shop with a small assortment of postcards available. You never know who we might run into!! Then we could also consider Helen’s kind offer of a common card design? Let me know.

I’d love to borrow it, thank you! Can you bring it along on Sunday?

Yes sure.

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