World Postcard Day 2023 design contest — help us spread the word!

Here we go again! :tada: “Postal Hugs” is 2023’s theme for the World Postcard Day contest — submissions are now open!

We’d like to ask for the help of the community in spreading the word about the contest, so that more people can have the opportunity to participate. We usually focus on spreading the word among design students (since they can boost their exposure and get extra motivation to do great work in the future), but the contest is open to anyone, anywhere!

To make things more enticing, I’m going to make a little lottery in this topic: every time you spread the word, leave a comment here and you could win a postcard from Postcrossing’s headquarters, sent with gratitude (and probably a special cancellation mark). :slight_smile:

To participate:

  • Tell people about the contest! Maybe you can send the link to your friends who are great at drawing, or post it somewhere public — a university’s Facebook page, a designers forum, or a Whatsapp group of friends. Anything goes!
  • Leave a comment here, letting others know what you’ve done to spread the word. You can share a link to your post if it’s in a public page, but it’s also ok to just say “I’ve told my friend Matt about the contest”. I trust you!
  • When the contest ends on July 15, I’ll ask postbot to pick a few winners. :tada:

The World Postcard Day and its contest are a lot of work for us, so I try my best to let as many people as possible know about it every year. If some of you feel like joining me in this task in whatever small way you can, I’d be super grateful!


I love this year’s theme - Postal hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:! It’s so apt. I’m grateful for all the work you put into making Postcrossing, World Postcard Day and this design competition such wonderful experiences! Link shared on my Facebook blog page. :heart:


I’ve just sent the link to a friend of mine who does really beautiful artwork! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Hopefully she feels inspired to participate :smile:


Forwarded link to my friend.

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I have shared this on social media and with friends :blush: Love the theme and looking forward to seeing some great art!

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I told all the creative people in my life - Deborah, Leticia, Nicole, Joanne, Jerrett, Jasmin and Monika​:woman_artist::artist:

Thank you, I have just shared the link on my Facebook page!


Thank you so much,
Shared link with my friend:)

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Hugs to everyone!
I shared it in my college and family whats app groups and put it as a status too!
Stay safe !

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Of course, I shared it to my favourite, Anime & Manga Fan Club in this forum. HA HA HA HA ! ! ! XD XD XD


I forwarded this to a classmate who is very talented at drawing things! Thank you for all your work and may this day be amazing.

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First thing I did this morning (5:44 AM) was sharing this info to whatsapp group with 93 members. :smile:


Shared to Facebook!

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I can’t wait to see all the beautiful entries :blush:
I shared the link on Mastodon: Veerle van Son 👩‍💻: "If you're feeling creative today, why not design …" - Mastodon

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Thank you very much for the information :hugs:
I send it to my best friend, she study at design university :smiley:, but I think I will participate too


So excited for this contest!

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Thank you very much for information! I’m shared link with my friends and I hope to see soon wonderful new WPD card ! :hugs::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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I shared it with a friend who is an artist!

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I posted the instagram post on my story!


I love the theme! Can’t wait to see different interpretation of it.
I have shared the information among my friends and asked them to spread the word as well.
Thank you so much! :hugs:

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