World Postcard Day 2023 design contest — help us spread the word!

Hurray! :tada: Thank you all for embracing this idea so enthusiastically!

Today I’m going to spend a good part of the day spreading the word about the contest to universities — hopefully we’ll see a few submissions from students this year! :slight_smile:


I am really looking forward to World Postcard Day :slight_smile: I told my friend who used to be a designer about the contest.

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I spread the word in some chat groups with my artist friends =)

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Shared it to my Facebook page and I will let my niece know too. She’s pretty artsy. So excited to see what people come up with.

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Shared this to my extremely talented sister! :crossed_fingers:t3::heart:

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Shared with my super artistic cousin and her equally talented husband

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I retweeted the tweet about the contest from Postcrossing’s Twitter. :blush:

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Shared on my Facebook page :blush:

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Are the World Postcard Day designs normally double sided?

Shared the link with my talented sister.

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The design contest is just for the image-side of the postcard — the back is standard, and will be done by us with the World Postcard Day logo and credits to the designer.


Thanks Ana - I was asking so that I could plan the printing of the official design.

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Thank you! I already told about this to all my design-related friends and this inspires me to try and make something on canva without any talent :smiley:

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I shared this via my own facebook page and sent it to a friend (who loves to paint) via Whatsapp

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I shared it in whatsapp :slightly_smiling_face:


Does sharing it on Twitter count?

Sure — anything goes! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for all of the hard work that goes into this contest, the Postcrossing site, etc. I get so much joy out of connecting with people around the world.
I shared this on my Facebook page today!

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I already shared in on Facebook before I read that you asked to share it.


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I shared the link to my virtual book club discord chat! There’s people from all over the world with different interest so I thought at least a few of the members would be interested in participating!

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