Will not happen! 26 February 2022 - Meetup Kharkiv

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kharkiv
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Prospect Nezalezhnosti 1

:calendar: DATE: 26 February 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00 PM (Kyiv time)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Official all-Ukrainian postcrossing meetup with traditional cards.

Contact: Yaninna and Maria Telegram nickname @marialapa @yaninna_sr One of the organizers left Kyiv for a safer place, the other remains in the center of Kharkiv.

Postcrossing is out of politics, but Ukraine is at war now. But I want the whole world to know about it and not keep quiet!

Kharkiv, the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine were repeatedly fired upon by the army of the Russian Federation. Among the victims are civilians! Doctors! children. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (yes! This is the one that exploded in 1986) is temporarily out of control of the Ukrainian authorities. Kyiv holds the defense. Troops of the Russian Federation are trying to break into Kharkiv.

Brief history. At around 04:00 on February 24, 2022 Kyiv time (UTC + 2), Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine; a few minutes later, missile strikes began throughout Ukraine. Russian troops invaded Ukraine near Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, and Sumy, entering from Russia, Belarus, and the Russian-occupied Crimea. Missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine were carried out from the border areas of Belarus.

We do not want war! But we have to defend our home now!

We also want to show what beautiful views of day and night Kharkiv have prepared for the meeting! (Of course, the post office is not working now, and the postcards are in the printing house in Kyiv.

One day we will not see any missiles or shells in the sky, the post office will open, we will gather and send postcards.



Hello!I want to swap card!Contact me at511839591@qq.com!I will show you our meetup cards!Come on!!! :no_mouth:

Send pm

Очень хотела бы получить вашу карту в обмен! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dear Ukrainian Postcrosser,
today we celebrate our Meetup in Moritzburg. The mood will be very bad due to the war situation in your country. Our thoughts on the Moritzburg Meetup are with you. Take care of yourselves!


So beautiful views! It’s heartbreaking that they are under attack now :disappointed_relieved:
You are in our hearts! :heart::ukraine::dove:


You’re in our thoughts :ukraine: :earth_africa: :eu:


So sorry this is happening in your Country. I am so sad about it. My thoughts are with you.
You are in our hearts :heart: :ukraine: :heart:


Hi, I’m so sorry this is happening to you in Ukraine. Everyone in the UK is appalled. I’m also ashamed that we aren’t giving you guys visas. Please let us know how you’re doing.



I was trying to reach out to Ukrainians, just to let them know that here in Canada we know what is going on with you and we are more than shocked, distressed…
We hear that you are standing up, that you are fighting fiercely and with courage. We feel your strength and bravery so far.
Our hearts beat in unison with yours.
My thoughts are with you.


It is a very hard time for Ukraine, Europe and whole world. I have never imagined that I will see something like this on my own eyes :pensive: Polish people are supporting you! :poland::ukraine: :heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart:


Hi Yannina,
I hope you are safe and that Russia will come to its senses having also alienated the rest of the world (except China! :roll_eyes: )
Stay strong and Good Luck.

Wow Kharkiv looks Beautiful, let’s hope & pray it can stay that way! :blue_heart::cupid::yellow_heart:

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If any of you need help, please let me know if I can do something for you.
I open my house for Ukrainians to stay till it’s safe. (The Netherlands) contact me if you want.
I can’t think about something else, all the Ukrainians are in my mind 24/7.
You are the greatest people on earth, so much power, so brave and so strong. I have so much respect for you! Please keep that mindset!
I never pray but now I do for you every night.
Hold on! :heart:


Well said @silviaSvE. Thought this link may be of interest: How can Britons help the people of Ukraine? | UK news | The Guardian

any one help us our studends stcks they can"nt move to Poland

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any one help us our studends stcks they can"nt move to Poland


Seeing this meetup plan broke my heart. Please be safe :heart: May peace return to Ukraine soon.


Dear Yaninna. I’m Natalie and I’m from Odessa.
We are totally heartbroken with what is happening in our beautiful city of Kharkiv! Please stay safe.

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